Mahele Documents

9/6/2010 12:14:49 AM - last modified
Claim Number: 05337
Claimant: Puhi
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Puna
Ahupuaa: Kipu
Ili: Kahuakahee, Puhui vill.
Statistics: 1914 characters 290 words
No. 5337, Puhi, Kipu, Kauai, January 12, 1848
N.R. 144v9

Greetings to the Land Commissioners in Honolulu, I hereby state my claim for land and kula. I, Puhi, am under Puahiki and Kapena is over the Konohiki, at Kipu. There are three lo`i, and makai is a kula cultivated in sweet potatoes, wauke, noni, offshoot taro and the house lot. All the people at the seashor ....

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.... >Mauka and all around by Government pasture.

Land from older brother at the time of Kaikioewa, no objections.

Lapahilikona, sworn, he has seen his land, he has heard Kekua's testimony, it is sure.

[Award 5337; R.P. 3694; Kahuakahee Kipu Puna;1 ap.; 1 rood 27 rods; Pohakua Kipu Puna; 1 ap.; 2 roods 11 rods; Puhui Kipu Puna; 1 ap., 2 roods 27 rods]