Boundary Commission

1899 176 Onomea Sugar Co.
Certification: 176
Ahupua`a Kalaoa portion
District: Hilo
Island Hawaii
Ownership: Onomea Sugar Co.
Year: 1899
Statistics: 10819 characters 1805 words
Kalaoa Ahupuaa (Onomea Sugar Co.), a portion of, District of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume D, No. 5; p. 215

Petition as follows

Hilo, Hawaiian Islands, October 6, 1898

R.A. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries, 3d & 4th Circuit
Dear Sir:
Acting under instructions of the Onomea Sugar Co. I hereby apply to you for a settlement of the boundaries of a portion of the Ahupuaa of Kalaoa. Land Commission Award 1146 to Kekauonohi, situate in the District of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, and for the appointment of a day upon which to take evidence in re the same.

I herewith append the names of the adjacent lands, with the names of respective owners, so far as known to me, to wit.
Puumoi, Land Commission Award 6247, Onomea Sugar Co.
Grant 1055, Aleamai, Paele & Kamai
Land Commission Award 8629, Kaapa, Kalaoa
Boundary Certificate #116, D. Kamai, Kalaoa
I have the honor Sir to remain, Yours Respectfully,
(Signed) A.B. Loebenstien
Attorney for Onomea Sugar Co.

Mr. A.B. Loebenstien asked to have hearing for settlement of the Makai portion of Kalaoa postponed until February 2, 1898, so that he can complete the survey of the land.

It is hereby ordered that all parties interested in the settlement of the Boundaries of this portion of Kalaoa next to the sea shore, appear before me at Court house in Hilo, Hawaii at 10 a.m. and that the evidence to prove boundaries will be heard at that time.
Rufus A. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries, 3d & 4th Judicial Circuits, Hawaiian Islands

Continued page 223

Kalaoa Ahupuaa, a portion of, District of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume D, No. 5; p. 223

The Makai portion of the ahupuaa of Kalaoa, 4th Judicial Circuit, Island of Hawaii,

Continued from page 215 of this book.

Hilo, Hawaii, February 2d, 1899
The Commission of Boundaries for the 4th Judicial Circuit met at the Office of the Deputy sheriff of Hawaii at 10 a.m. according to adjournment from December 2d 1898.

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.... >1. North 67° 00' East 952 feet along Puumoi, Certificate # 169, the boundary following the middle of the stream to sea coast at high water mark;
2. South 75° 24' East 1276 feet around sea bluff in all its windings at high water mark to a point at angle of bluff;
3. South 2° 18' west 1722 feet around the sea bluff in all its windings at high water mark to middle of mouth of Pahoa gully;
4. North 64° 08' West 536 feet along middle of Pahoa gully to [page 107], junction of branches;
5. South 81° 10' west 968 feet along middle of South branch to the East angle of Land Commission Award 8629, Royal Patent 5542, apana 1, Kaapa;
6. North 21° 55' West 405 feet up bank of gully and along East line of said Kaapa's kuleana to angle of old ditch;
7. South 83° 35' west 545 feet along same to a puhala [triangle] at East edge of Government road;
8. North 3° 10' East 565 feet along East line of D. Kamai's portion of land of Kalaoa Boundary, certificate #116;
9. North 25° 30' East 208 feet along East line of D. Kamai's land;
10. North 5° 45' west 396 feet along East line of D. Kamai's land;
11. North 8° 35' East 135 feet down bank of Kalaoa stream to point of commencement.
Containing an area of Eighty-four (84.2) acres and 2/10 acres, more or less.

(As surveyed by A.B. Loebenstien)

It is therefore adjudged and I do hereby certify and decide that the boundaries of said land of Kalaoa, being the portion below the government road, and next to the sea shore, are and hereafter shall be as hereinbefore set forth.

Given under my hand at Hilo, Island of Hawaii, the twenty-fifth day of July, One thousand nine hundred and ninety nine [sic 1899].
R.A. Lyman, Commissioner of Land Boundaries, Island of Hawaii, Third and Fourth Judicial Circuits, Hawaiian Islands

For Petition see Book No. 5 D. Folios 214 & 215
For Evidence see book No. 5 D, Folio 223, 248

[No. 176, Kalaoa, portion of Ahupuaa, District of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, 84.2 acres, 1899]