Boundary Commission

1886 157 Hitchcock, Cora E & Alma
Certification: 157
Ahupua`a Punahoa 1
District: Hilo
Island Hawaii
Ownership: Hitchcock, Cora E & Alma
Year: 1886
Statistics: 5420 characters 887 words
Punahoa 1 Ahupuaa(Hitchcock), District of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume D, No. 5, p. 27-28

Land of Punahoa 1st, Hilo, Hawaii


To the Honorable F.S. Lyman, Boundary Commissioner, Island of Hawaii

The undersigned owning the Ahupuaa of Punahoa 1st in the district of Hilo, would respectfully ask to have the Boundaries of two portions of said Ahupuaa of Punahoa, viz.: one lot at the Beach, and one near and adjoining Jail street in the town of Hilo, Certified to by your Honor
Cora E. & Alme E. Hitchcock
per their attorney, D.H. Hitchcock
Hilo, January 1885
[page 28]
In Re Land of Punahoa 1st, Hilo, Island of Hawaii

On the application of D.H. Hitchcock to determine and settle the Boundaries of the portions of this land, not included in the Land Commission Awards and Grants, and the certificate already issued, Numbered 23, the Commissioner of Boundaries examined the several Awards and Grants on this Land of Punahoa 1st, measuring out the same upon th ....

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.... long Nahalelepo, Kuleana No. 3996, Royal Patent No. 1156;
North 35° West (magnetic) 32 2/3 feet along Kahakumakalina; Kuleana No. 463, by Royal Patent No. 2665;
South 51 1/2° West (magnetic) 130 feet along Kalakuaioho, Kuleana No. 6244, Royal Patent No. 5614, to the point of commencement,
Containing an area of 98/1000 of an acre.

It is therefore adjudged and I do hereby decide and certify that the boundaries of the said land are, and hereafter shall be as hereinbefore set forth.

Given under my hand at Hilo, Island of Hawaii, the thirty-first day of July A.D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty six.
F.S. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries

To Certificate $2.-; to 3 folio description 1.50;to 1 day inspecting boundaries 10.-; To 4 folio Record 1.-; $14.50

Interior Costs
To Certified copy of Certificate $2.00; To 6 folio, copy 1.50; $3.50.

[No. 157, Punahoa 1 Ahupuaa, District of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Apana 1, 79 4/100 acre; apana 2, 98/1000 of an acre, 1886]