Boundary Commission

1884 Bishop, Bernice Pauahi
Ahupua`a Umauma
District: Hilo
Island Hawaii
Ownership: Bishop, Bernice Pauahi
Misc: application only
Year: 1884
Statistics: 3667 characters 598 words
Umauma Ahupuaa, District of Puna, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume A, No. 1, p. 248-249

Umauma, District of Hilo

Honolulu, August 18th 1873
To the Honorable Rufus A. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries for the third Judicial Circuit, to wit, the Island of Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands

The petition of A.F. Judd of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, Administrator of the Estate of Nakuapa, deceased, respectfully represents as follows:

That the Board of Commissioners to quiet land Titles did on the 26th day of May, A.D. 1862 (but excepting the land owned by Kamakaeha, Royal Patent No. 920) grant to Boaz Mahune (Na hooilina) the ahupuaa of Umauma, sit ....

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.... of Puohai, in Hamakua, Hawaii. But there is no land of that name in Hamakua that we can find, while there are 2 lands of the same name in the Hilo district, one somewhere between Humuula and Laupahoehoe, and the other near Maulua, both I have reason to believe are leased by the Government.

Will you please find out what you can about it and let me know.

I also will send by the Kinau your map and survey of Kualikahonu [sic], so that you may take the necessary steps and have the boundary settled, which has never been done.
S.M. Damon, Luna Hooponopono Waiwai, Bernice Pauahi Bishop

[No. number, Umauma Ahupuaa, District of Puna, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, no testimony, no survey]