Boundary Commission

1882 143 Wight, Dr. James
Certification: 143
Ahupua`a Halelua
District: Kohala, North
Island Hawaii
Ownership: Wight, Dr. James
Year: 1882
Statistics: 8732 characters 1438 words
Halelua Ahupuaa, District of North Kohala, Island of Hawaii, Boundary
Commission, Hawaii, Volume B, pps. 464-465

Land Boundary Commission - Third Judicial District, Hawaiian Islands, Island of Hawaii

[for section here regarding Aamakao see that document]

Kohala, March 6th 1882
F.S. Lyman, Esquire, Commissioner of Boundaries for Island of Hawaii
Dear Sir:
Dr. James Wight has requested me to make application for him for the settlement of the boundaries of the land of Halelua, which I hereby do unless something more formal is required and forward notes and plan of the same. He had previously a survey made by Wiltse, which however did not correspond at any point with the adjoining Patents; and I told him I did not think you would issue Certificate on such survey. Whereupon he employed me to make out such notes of survey as would be acceptable to the Commissioner. This I have done making them agree in every respect with the adjoining patents. Of course I do not hold myself responsible for the correctness of these lines which I suppose must be adopted at any rate.
Respectfully yours
(Signed) J.M. Lydgate

[page 465]
Land Boundary Commission, Third Judicial District, Hawaiian Islands, Island of Hawaii

Land of Halelua, North Kohala, Hawaii

Met in the Governor's Office, at Hilo, August 10th 1882; Notice having been published in the Hawaiian Gazette of April for a hearing May 10th 18822, but no one appearing at that time to represent or to contest the application of Dr. James Wight, to have the boundaries of his land, Halelua, settled, the hearing was continued until this day.

J.M. Lydgate appears in beha ....

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.... East 637 feet along Grant 781
North 14.30 East 2487 feet along Grant 781
North 10.15 East 1789 feet along Grant 781
North 39.15 East 1234 feet along Grant 781
North 23.45 East 1765 feet; thence down along the head of Napapaa
North 1.45 East 1217 feet along Grant 2001
North 13.10 East 1518feet along Grant 2001
North 7.30 East 462 feet along Grant 2001
North 15.45 East 1650 feet along Grant 2001
North 13.00 East 2640 feet along Grant 2001
North 20.15 East 1484 feet along Grant 2001
North 21.30 East 1404 feet along Grant 2398
North 37.05 East 424 feet along Grant 2398
North 54.15 East 240 feet along Grant 2398
North 1.00 East 191 feet along Grant 2398
North 25.05 East 264 feet along Grant 2398
North 10.00 East 660 feet along Grant 2398
North 16.00 East 687 feet along Grant 2360 to Puhala
North 9.00 East 1147 feet along Grant 2360
North 1045. East 495 feet along Grant 2360
North 18.15 East 46 feet to large rock marked X in bottom Ohau gulch, just above high water mark. Thence along sea shore to point of Commencement. A direct distance of 2575 feet.
Containing (according to Wiltse) an area of 644 Acres
[page 14]
Compiled by J.M. Lydgate February 1882)

It is therefore adjudged, and I do hereby decide and certify that the Boundaries of the said land, are, and hereafter shall be as hereinbefore set forth.
Given under my hand at Hilo, Island of Hawaii, the twentieth day of September A.D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty two.
F.S. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries

[No. 143, Halelua Ahupuaa, District of North Kohala, Island of Hawaii, Boundary
Commission, 644 Acres, 1882]