Boundary Commission

1873 016 Jackson, Henry B.
Certification: 016
Ahupua`a Nunulu Nui
District: Kohala, North
Island Hawaii
Ownership: Jackson, Henry B.
Year: 1873
Statistics: 12035 characters 2073 words
Nunulu Nui Ahupuaa, District of North Kohala, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume A, No. 1, pps 66-70

No. 16

The Ahupuaa of Nunulu Nui, North Kohala, Hawaii, 3d Judicial Circuit

On this eleventh day of April A.D. 1873 by adjournment from the 9th instant, the Commission of Boundaries for the 3d Judicial Circuit met at the Court House in North Kohala. Due notice of the hearing of the application of Henry B. Jackson, by his attorney in fact. Theo. H. Davies, for the settlement of boundaries of Nunulu Nui, Nunulu ike, Kaiholena 1st and 2d and of Kehena 2d, situated in the District of North Kohala, Island of Hawaii, 3d Judicial Circuit, having been given by advertisement in the Hawaiian Gazette of March 5th 1873 and the Auokoa of March 6th 1873, and notice personally served on the owners of adjoining lands as far as known for the 9th day of April 1873 and adjourned by public notice to the 11th instant.

On account of stormy weather, and S.C. Wiltse, agent for Commissioners of Crown Lands not being able to come to the Court House through the storm, the hearing for the lands was continued to Puuhui as follows:

The Ahupuaa of Nunulu 1st to Puuhui April 12th at 10 o'clock a.m.;
The Ahupuaa of Nunulu 2d to Puuhui April 16th at 10 o'clock a.m.;
The Ahupuaa of Kaiholena 1st and 2d to Puuhui April 14th at 10 o'clock a.m.;
The Ahupuaa of Kehena 2d to Puuhui April 14th a 1 o'clock p.m.;

Present: James Woods on part of applicant, D.K. Naiapaekai, James Wight, George C. Williams and others.

Copy of notes of survey and plan of Puuokamau, made by C.J. Lyons filed and also copy of notes of survey of Royal Patens, and copy of notes of survey and plan of land deeded by the King to E. Bond on Iole filed, as evidence of the boundaries already established by law, of lands adjoining all the above mentioned lands.
R.A. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries, 3d Judicial Circuit.

Puuhui, North Kohala, Hawaii, April 12th, 1873

The application of Henry B. Jackson, by his attorney in fact, coming on to be heard this day by adjournment from the 11th instant. There were present: James Woods on the part of the applicant, S.C. Wiltse on the part of the Crown Commissioners, and Hawaiian Government, D.K. Naiapaakai, Honorable C.F. Hart and others ....

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.... ; West 1940 feet to a rock marked H on Puupakai; Thence
North 25° 15' West 2310 feet to a rock marked H; Thence
North 62° 30' West 1310 feet to a rock
marked H on north side of old Mahukona road; Thence
South 75° West 1255 feet along old
road to stone marked H, a short distance mauka of the hill Puupilo; Thence along the Crown land, Kaauhuhu
North 53° East 8.82 chains to a pile of rocks; Thence
North 48° West 18.20 chains to pile of stones; Thence
North 37° East 26.70 chains to pile of stones;Thence
North 25° East 12.18 chains to pile of stones; Thence
North 33° East 16.00 chains to a pile of stones; Thence
North 28 ½° East 8.00 chains to a pile of stones; Thence [page 70]
North 7° East 22.00 chains to a pile of stones and a rock marked X; Thence along the mauka side of the land Ohanaula as given in Royal Patent No. 3001 to Kaneihalau 2d.
South 79° East 11.80 chains to west bank of Honopueo gulch; Thence
South 48° 50' East 8.60 chains to a pile of stones at the southwest corner of J.L. King's land on Honopueo;
Thence along said land as described in Royal Patent No. 1729,
East 27.50 chains to a rock marked X on the west boundary of Kapaau as patented to E. Bond, Royal Patent No. 2000; Thence mauka along Kapaau
South 16 ½ ° East 66.00 chains to the top of “PuuoMakapailu,” Thence
South 23° East 46.40 chains; Thence
South 54° 50' East 15.50 chains along old road to the makai boundary of the land of “Lamalaoloa,” as patented to Beadle & Macy, Royal Patent No. 2725; Thence along Lamaloloa
South 70° West 25.00 chains to a pile of rocks; Thence
South 79 ½ ° West 33.50 chains to a rock; Thence
South 80° West 22.00 chains to a pile of stones; Thence
South 21° West 9.00 chains to a rock 3 feet in diameter marked x; Thence
South 22° West 16.50 chains to a rock marked X; Thence
South 84° West 10.00 chains to a rock marked H at the place of commencement.
R.A. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries, 3d Judicial Circuit

Note: 1183 acres. As surveyed by S.C. Wiltse.
Costs in full paid by applicant
Book of Costs lost on Schooner Caroline Mills, wrecked at Honokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii, May 1878

[No. 16, Nunulu Nui Ahupuaa, District of North Kohala, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, 1183 acres, 1873]