Boundary Commission

1903 186 Bishop, Bernice Pauahi
Certification: 186
Ahupua`a Upolu 1 & 2
District: Kohala, North
Island Hawaii
Ownership: Bishop, Bernice Pauahi
Year: 1903
Statistics: 15929 characters 2630 words
Upolu 1st and Upolu 2nd Ahupuaa, District of North Kohala, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume D, No. 5, pps 591-596

Upolu 1st & 2d, North Kohala

The Boundary Commission met in the Court House at Kapaau, North Kohala, at 9 a.m. December 19, 1903, according to Notices published in the Hilo Tribune, and Ku Okoa, for a hearing November 14, and a continuance to November 21, and to December 19, 1903, and Notices of the application and hearing, and continuances having been sent by mail, by the Commissioner of Boundaries, to owners of the adjoining lands, viz: the Commissioner of Public Lands of Territory of Hawaii, for Honoipu and Kukuipahu.

There were present: A.B. Loebenstein, for the Trustees of Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the applicant; J.W. Pratt, Commissioner of Public Lands; L.P. Weaver, Attorney for Public Lands, Deputy Sheriff Stilman, J.B. Kaohi, & others.

Application of the Trustees of the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop for settlement of the Boundaries of Certificate, of the Lands Upolu 1st and Upolu 2d, District of Kohala, Island of Hawaii, filed September 1st 1903, read in Court, also notice of hearing, and continuances, published in due form.

Also a stipulation on file, signed by J.W. Pratt, Commissioner of Public Lands, also The Trustees of the Bernice P. Bishop Estate, agreeing as to the boundary between the lands Kokoike and Upolu, that were in dispute.

Also description of the Upolu lands by Survey of A.B. Loebenstein, made in 1901.


Honolulu, June 2d, 1902
Honorable R.A. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries, 3d Judicial Circuit, Hilo, Hawaii

On behalf of the Trustees under the will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, I hereby [page 592] make application for the settlement of the lands of Upolu 1 - Upolu 2, North Kohala, Hawaii, awarded by Act of the Privy Council, July 3d 1851 to M. Kekuanaoa, in exchange for the other lands in Kona, Hawaii.

The lands of Upolu are bounded on the north by the land of Kokoiki (Government land); on the south by Honoipu, mauka by Kukuipahu, and makai by the sea, other owners unknown.

Enclosed, please find survey made by Mr. A.B. Loebenstein of Hilo, Hawaii, who is authorized to act for me in presenting the case of the Trustees.

As this boundary has been questioned by the Government Bureau of Survey, I would request that the hearing may be held, and evidence taken in Kohala,
Yours Very Respectfully,
Frank S. Dodge, Superintendent Estate of B.P. Bishop.

Before the Boundary Commissioners for the Third Judicial Circuit.

In the Matter of the Boundaries of Upolu, North Kohala, Hawaii

Between the Territory of Hawaii and the Trustees of the Estate of B.P. Bishop as to line between the Ahupuaa of Kokoiki & Upolu.

Whereas, a dispute has arisen between the owners of the ahupuaa of Kokoiki and of Upolu, in North Kohala, Hawaii, as to the boundary between the said lands.

Now, therefore, it is agreed by and on behalf of the par ....

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.... long Royal Patent 2766 to + mark on stone
14. South 62° 36' 30" East 1262.8 feet along same, to + mark on stone
15. South 50° 18' East 608.5 feet along same to + mark on stone at the present south edge of the road to Mahukona, the said point being the north angle of Royal patent 2848, H. Christiansen; the coordinates being South 6021.2 East 4071.4 feet referred to the Kehoni [triangle with + in it; Trig. station]
16. South 65° 37' 30" East 927.4 feet along same to redwood post
17. South 41° 50' East 1105.5 feet along same to redwood post surrounded by a mound of stones; this point being the common angle of Upolu, Royal Patent 2848 and Kukuipahu, Certificate #144, the coordinates being South 7227.7 East 5953.4 feet referred to the Kehoni [triangle with + in it; Trig. station]
18. North 89° 20' East 320.0 feet along Kukuipahu, Certificate #144 to redwood post surrounded by mound of stones in swale, said post being the common angle of the lands of Upolu, Kokoiki and Kukuipahu
19. North 29° 46' 30" West 7652.2 feet to a point near the north edge of the Government Road
20. North 46° 15' West 1926.0 feet to Kehoni Trig. Station
21. North 55° 50' West 3227.7 feet to a + marked on a stone by water hole at southwest angle of Royal Patent 2508 Kuamoo, [page 147] the coordinates being North 1812.9 West 2670.7 feet referred to the Kehoni [triangle with + in it; Trig. station]
22. North 56° 25' 30" West 2361.0 feet along Royal Patent 2508 to + marked on stone under mound of stones
23. North 63° 06' West 1914.0 feet along Royal Patent 2508 to + marked on rock ledge near sea bluff; this point being the northwest angle of R.P. 2508, Kuamoo; the coordinates of this point being North 3983.8 West 6344.8 ft referred to the Kehoni [triangle with + in it; Trig. station]; thence North 63° 06' West 1640 feet down the sea bluff to the sea coast at high water mark; at a point of rock known as Kekawa, and following the windings of the sea coast at high water mark to a point of rock known as Kamakea; and then up the sea bluff South 64° 25' East 103.0 feet to point of commencement, the direction bearings and distances from the previous station being as follows:
24. South 53° 01' 30" west 927.2 feet to Upolu Referring station
25. South 18° 18' West 1580.0 feet to point of beginning.
Containing an area of 640.2 acres, more or less including L.C.A. 10857 Pu Maia; 9.6 acres and L.C.A. 10164 [10154] Makahalulu [Makahalahu], 1 acre.

As surveyed by A.B. Loebenstein, October 1901.

It is therefore adjudge, and I do hereby Certify and decide that the boundaries of said lands of Upolu 1st and Upolu 2d are, and hereafter shall be as hereinbefore set forth.
Given under my hand at Hilo, Hawaii, the 31st day of December 1903.
Frederick S. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries, third Judicial Circuit, Territory of Hawaii

12 folio Comp. Survey o.k.

[No. 186, Upolu 1st and Upolu 2nd Ahupuaa, District of North Kohala, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, 640.2 acres, 1903]