Boundary Commission

1873 Kamehameha V
Ahupua`a Kaloko
District: Kona, North
Island Hawaii
Ownership: Kamehameha V
Misc: no survey
Year: 1873
Statistics: 6358 characters 1034 words
Kaloko Ahupuaa, District of North Kona, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume A, No. 1, pps. 240-241

Honorable R.A. Lyman, Boundary Commissioner for Island of Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands
The undersigned would herewith make application for the settlement of the boundaries of the following named Ahupuaas or lands belonging to the Estate of Kamehameha Fifth, viz.

Honomainoa, Hilo Hawaii adjoining lands unknown
Haiku 2, Hilo Hawaii, adjoining lands unknown
Kaaiakea, Hilo, Hawaii adjoining lands unknown [page 241]
Manowaiopai, Hilo Hawaii, adjoining lands unknown

Kahua 1st, Kohala, Hawaii, adjoining lands unknown
Hikiaupea, Kohala, Hawaii, adjoining lands unknown
Hawi Kamano, Kohala, Hawaii, adjoining lands unknown
Hikiahookahi, Kohala, Hawaii adjoining lands unknown
Kauapalaoa, Kohala, Hawaii, adjoining lands unknown

Puaa, Kona, Hawaii, bounded by government lands of Puaa and Auhaukeae
Keauhou 2, Kona, Hawaii, bounded by government lands of Keauhou 1st & Honalo, also by G.W.C. Jones & Co. land of Kahuku of Kau, also by Kaumalumalu & Kaupulehu.
Kaloko, Kona, Hawaii, bounded by Government land of Kohanaiki, G.M. Robertson land of Honokohau
K ....

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Honokohaunui ends at Ohiawela, a pali. Kaloko takes the koa, and Honokohaunui, the ohia, makai Pohakupalahalaha is in the middle of the land of Honokohaunui. Mauka of the koa woods is Kaupelehu, Kealakehe cuts Honokohaunui off, above the end of Honokohauike. The olona grove on Honokohaunui and Kealakehe and the koa on Kaloko. Waihuna is a water hole on the boundary of Honokohaunui. it is in the middle of the land (contradictory) Waiawahine is on the boundary between Honokohaunui Kaloko and Kealakehe. This is as far as I know the boundaries of Kaloko.
[page 372]
Kahuanui, kane, sworn, I was born at Lanihau North Kona Hawaii at the time of Kamehameha I death. I now live at Kealakehe. The lands of Kealakehe and Honokohaunui meet at a place called Naunu, an ohia makai of the koa. I do not know the boundaries between Kaloko and Lanihau, or between any of these lands. I have always heard that Kaloko and Lanihau take in all the woods.

No more witnesses. Case continued till further notice to all interested parties.
R.A. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries 3d Judicial Circuit

[No number, Kaloko Ahupuaa, District of North Kona, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, 1873, no survey]