Boundary Commission

1874 045 Dominis, J.O.
Certification: 045
Ahupua`a Keahuolu
District: Kona, North
Island Hawaii
Ownership: Dominis, J.O.
Year: 1874
Statistics: 16913 characters 2851 words
Keahuolu Ahupuaa, District of North Kona, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume A, No. 1, p. 225

Honohina, Hilo
Keaholu, Kona

R.A. Lyman, Esquire, commissioner of Boundaries for the Island of Hawaii
I beg to make application to you to define and settle the boundaries of the ahupuaa of Honohina situated in the district of Hilo, Hawaii, also the boundaries of the Ahupuaa of Keaholu situated in the district of Kona, Hawaii.
I remain, Yours Respectfully
(signed) Jno. O. Dominis

Keahuolu Ahupuaa, District of North Kona, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume A, No.1, pps 354-358

The Ahupuaa of Keahuolu, District of North Kona, Island of Hawaii, 3d Judicial Circuit.

On this 12th day of August A.D. 1873 the Commission of Boundaries for the 3d Judicial Circuit met at Kailua, North Kona, for the hearing of the application of J.O. Dominis, for the settlement of the Boundaries of Keahuolu, situated in North Kona, Hawaii.

Notice to all parties interested in the settlement of Boundaries of lands in North and South Kona Hawaii; that the Commissioner of Boundaries for the 3d Judicial Circuit would be prepared to receive application for the settlement of boundaries of land in said Districts, at the Court House in Kona, on August 2d A.D. 1873. Served by publication in the Hawaiian Gazette of July 16th and Kuokoa of July 19th 1873, and adjourned to Kailua, on the 12 instant, due notice personally served on owners and agents as far as known of adjoining lands. Present: J.G. Hoapili for applicant, the Hawaiian Government and His Majesty, S. Kaai and others.

For Petition see Folio 225 [Keahuolu] [below]

J.Z. Waiau, kane, sworn, I was born at Honuaula, Kona, Hawaii at the time of the fight of Keakuaokalani. I now live at Lanihauiki, know the land of Keahuolu and its boundaries, have seen a part, and have heard where a part of them are from my parents and kamaaina on the land. I leased the land in former times. Kealakehe bounds it on the North side and Lanihaunui on the South side. A round rock on the sea shore called Pohakuloa is on the boundary between Lanihaunui and Keahuolu; thinks the boundary between these two lands run mauka about one hundred fathoms and then turns South, to the North side of an old village, on Lahihau, called Makaeo. Thence the boundary runs straight mauka to Hoenui, a pile of stones makai of the wall of Governor Adams. If you look maikai [makai] from mauka near the Government road, it looks like a wall or iwi aina on the pahoehoe, but you cannot see it from makai. From Hoenui to Maili along [page 355] the boundary runs along an iwi aina, a wall or iwi aina from some way above Adams wall. Maili is an old village at Puuokaliu, a pali pali [sic] ahua, where houses used to stand; thence to the mauka Government road at Kahuoli; an old kihapai koele, there are two kuleanas there, on Lanihau, adjoining Keahuolu. Said kuleanas belong to Kaawa and Luhei.

Thence mauka along the iwi aina to Puukoai, a very small ahua, of dirt and stones; thence to Keanawai, a water hole where there used to be a great many houses. Thence to Kaopapa, a place in the woods in Akolea fern a punawai, where Lanihauiki cuts of Lanihaunui. This place is a grove of ....

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.... iameter marked I at place called Kauwau or Kaohiahomoekanaka; Thence running running makai along Lanihauiki;
South 48° West 26.10 chains to a large ohia tree marked X;
South 41° West 21.10 chains to an ohia tree marked K;
South 65° West 29.50 chains to an opiko tree marked H;
South 46° 15' West 25.40 chains to a rock marked X at the mauka corner of land of Lanihaunui at place called Nohoana o Maa or Nonoanaa; thence makai along boundary of Lanihaunui;
South 49° 30' West 10.56 chains to a koa tree marked Y at Kaopapa;
South 60° West 22.33 chains to a rock marked L, 50 feet South East (North West Certificate of Boundaries No. 25) of koa tree marked X;
South 54° 30' West 21.89 chains to a rock marked X;
South 54° 15' West 9.41 chains;
South 59° 30' West 5.01 chains;
South 63° 30' West 15.56 chains;
South 50° West 7.58 chains;
South 44° 15' West 4.45 chains;
South 59° West 3.12 chains;
South 47° 30' West 2.82 chains;
South 60° 30' West3.57 chains;
South 58° West 4.64 chains;
South 59° West 3.38 chains;
South 58° 30' West 6.45 chains to a rock marked X on the mauka side of Government road from Kona to Kawaihae; Thence along kuleana No. 5317;
South 30 1/2° West 0.32 chains;
South 63° West 2.14 chains;
South 53° 30' West 3.25 chains;
South 45.15' Wet 4.48 chains to the makai corner of said kuleana; Thence
South 49 1/2° West 2.06 chains;
South 54° West 51.20 chains;
South 53° West 4.15 chains;
South 54° West 6.41 chains;
South48° 15' West 3.02 chains to a rock marked X;
South 49° West 39.30' chains to a rock marked X at place called Kahoi;
South 49° West 38.79 chains to a rock marked X at a place called Waianuia; [page 47]
South 48° West 11.35 chains to point on pahoehoe marked X;
South 44° 30' West 35.88 chains to point on pahoehoe marked X;
South 52° 30' West 28.70 chains to point on pahoehoe marked S;
South 59° West 4.39 chains to point on pahoehoe marked X;
North 82° West 12.88 chains to point on pahoehoe marked X;
North 74° 45' West 30.14 chains to corner of stone wall;
North 64° 15' West 19.85 chains to rock marked X;
South 49° 30' West 9.33 chains to a point on the Kailua side of cocoanut grove;
South 83° West 7.42 chains to a prominent point of rocks at the seashore called Pohakuloa. Thence along seashore
North 32° 45' West 16.50 chains;
South 79° 30' West 13.50 chains;
North 77.30° West 16.00 chains;
South 57° West 16.20 chains;
North 83° West 11.00 chains;
North 46° 30' West 3.87 chains;
North 48° West 25.90 chains;
North 25° West 22.80 chains;
North 84° West 6.50 chains to point called Kaiwi marked Koupahoehoe at the place of commencement.
Area 4071 Acres
As surveyed by J.F. Brown
R.A. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries, 3d Judicial Circuit

Note Costs: Hearings 20.-; 29 folio testimony 7.25; Certificate 2.-; Stamp 1.-; 12 folio description certificate 6.-; $36.25
(Paid by applicant. Witnesses paid by ditto [applicant]

[No. 45, Keahuolu Ahupuaa, District of South Kona, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, 4071 acres, 1874]