Boundary Commission

1873 Crown
Ahupua`a Puuwaawaa
District: Kona, North
Island Hawaii
Ownership: Crown
Misc: application only
Year: 1873
Statistics: 4408 characters 678 words
Puuwaawaa Ahupuaa, District of North Kona, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume A, No. 1, p. 238-240

Honolulu, July 7, 1873
R.A. Lyman, Esquire, Hilo
Dear Sir
Mr. F.H. Harris is authorized by the commissioners of Crown lands to make application to you as commissioner of Boundaries to have the boundaries of all Crown lands on the Island of Hawaii defined. He has a list of the lands with him.

I have also authorized Mr. F.H. Harris to make application to you for the settlement of boundaries of all lands belonging to Estate of His late Majesty and Her Excellency, R. Keelikolani.

I expect to be in Kona by the trip of the "Kilauea" which leaves here on the 28th instant. Can't you make it convenient to come round as the steamer goes to Hilo on that trip.

I wish also to apply for the ....

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.... mehameha V, Waiakea, Hilo & other lands unknown

Olaa in the District of Puna, bounded by Keaau, Wm. C. Lunalilo, His Majesty, Waiakea & Kapapala

Apua in the District of Puna. Bounded by various lands in Puna
Waiakolea, ili of Kalapana, District of Puna adjoining lands unknown
Kaimu in the District of Puna adjoining lands unknown
Gehena[?Kehena] in the District of Puna adjoining lands unknown

Your Honor will therefore please appoint a day for the hearing the evidence in the foregoing named lands and having decided upon the same to grant a certificate to that effect to the undersigned
(Signed) Jno. O. Dominis, Crown Land Agent,
by F.H. Harris, attorney at law,

Hilo Hawaii, August 16th A.D. 1873

[No number, Puuwaawaa Ahupuaa, District of North Kona, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, 1873]