Boundary Commission

1880 126 Kanaina, Charles
Certification: 126
Ahupua`a Kula
District: Puna
Island Hawaii
Ownership: Kanaina, Charles
Year: 1880
Statistics: 6419 characters 917 words
Halekamahina, ili Kupono, Kula Ahupuaa, District of Puna, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume B, p. 437

The land of Halekamahina, a "kupono" of the Ahupuaa of Kula, District of Puna, Island of Hawaii

On the 17th day of March, A.D. 1880, after due notice to the owners and agents of the adjoining lands, the Commission of Boundaries for the Island of Hawaii, met at the Court house in Hilo.

Present: J. Nawahi, as Attorney for the estate of C. Kanaina; L. Severance, as Agent for the Hawaiian Government, and others.

For evidence see pages 437and 438, with Kapoho.

The boundaries of Halekamahina are decided to be as given by Keahi, Kalei, and other kamaainas, and as pointed out by Keahi and Kalei, when surveyed last month.
F.S. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries

For Certificate see Liber 3, I, pages [left blank]

Halekamahina, Ili Kupono, Kula Ahupuaa, District of Puna, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume C, No. 3; pps 310-312

No. 126

Certificate of Boundaries of the Land of Halekamahina, District of Puna, Island of Hawaii (being a division ("Kupono") of Kula.
L.C. award No. [left blank]

Commission of Boundaries, 3d Judicial Circu ....

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.... chains along Kula to pile of stones [triangle] at aa;
16. North 55° East 25.35 chains along Kula;
17. North 57° East 38.55 chains along Kula to stone marked H at the foot of the pali at an old sliding place called "Leioumi."
18. North 60° 15' East 11.60 chains along Kula to stone marked X;
19. South 63° 40' East 10.81 chains along Kula to pile stones by cocoanut tree at "Kaamana;"
20. South 76° 30' East 18.50 chains along Kula;
21. South 48° 30' East 13.50 chains along Kula to pile [triangle], at "Puukea" hill;
Containing an area of 1169 acres.

Surveyed by F.S. Lyman, February 1880 for the Estate of Charles Kanaina.

It is therefore adjudged and I do hereby decide and certify that the boundaries of the said land are, and hereafter, shall be as hereinbefore set forth.
Given under my hand at Hilo, Hawaii, the 17th day of March, A.D. 1880.
F.S. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries

(To Interior)
9 folio description $4.50; Certificate 2.00; 16.50
paid by W.C. Parke
folio description $; Certificate 2.- Paid

[No. 126, Halekamahina Ili Kupono, Kula Ahupuaa, District of Puna, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Apana 1, 90 acres; Apana 2, 1169 acres, 1880]