Boundary Commission

1869 006 Kamehameha V
Certification: 006
Ahupua`a Waikoloa 2nd (iki)
District: Kohala, South
Island Hawaii
Ownership: Kamehameha V
Year: 1869
Statistics: 9309 characters 1603 words
Waikoloa `ili, Waimea Ahupuaa, District of South Kohala, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume A, No. 1, pps 22-24

(No. 6) (Certified, March 4, 1857)
Boundaries of Waikoloa in Waimea, Hawaii

Beginning at a place known as Kapuulepo on the boundary of Puukapu where there is a pile of rocks being at the East, Northeastern corner of Waikoloa. Thence
North 89? West 86 50/100 chains to Halapepe; Thence
North 88?? West 51 50/100 chains to Kalaeiki; thence
North 83? West 4 14/100 chains to a pile of rocks; thence
North 84? West 33 60/100 chains to Puainako; thence
South 85? West 19 83/100 chains to Komikolae; Thence
North 80? West 44 60/100 chains to Kulanapahu; Thence
North 73? West 48 80/100 chains to Kanakaikiiki; thence
North 35?? West 14 83/100 chains to a pile of rocks; Thence
North 32½° West 17 35/100 chains to Holuakamakoa; Thence
North 21? East 2 72/100 chains to Puuhoolelelupe; Thence
North 23? West 6 35/100 to Hoomoe; thence
North 65? East 4 61/100 chains to a pile of stones; Thence
North 53? East 3 00/100 chains; Thence
North 25? East 4/66/100 chains; Thence
North 2? West 11 37/100 chains to a pile of stones; Thence
North 41? East 2 42/100 chains; thence
North 58? East 6 10/100 chains to Makanaka. Thence
North 3 15/100 chains to Walaohia; Thence
North 6? West 6 85/100 chains to a pile of stones; Thence
North 18? East 7 86/100 chains to Kailiohia; Thence
North 17? East 5 84/100 chains; Thence
North 39? East 5/10/100 chains; thence
North 25? West 5 92/100 chains to Makahikilua; thence
North 2? West 4 42/100 chains crossing the enclosure; Thence
North 58? West 1 70/100 chains; Thence
North 21? West 4 72/100 chains to a pile of s ....

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.... ce
North 14? West 70 chains to Keoneheehee near at Waikii Gulch; Thence
North 23? East 111 00/100 chains to Aiakala by the Auwaiakeakua Gulch; thence to a large flat rock marked XIV on the top of a conical hill known as Puulaau at the southeast corner of S.P. Parker's land of Paauhau; Thence down the gulch known as the Auwaikeakua;

North 78? West 138 00/100 chains to a koa tree three feet in diameter marked P on the North side, and
North 70? West 138 00/100 chains to a point where this gulch ends known as Kaimumoa, said point was marked by a hill of stones marked P and is the most southwestern point of Paauhau; Thence along the western boundary of S.P. Parker's land.
North 21? East 454 00/100 chains to a point opposite to Keanaoloa; Thence West 56 00/100 chains to Keanaoloa; Thence
North 13? West 28300/100 chains along the boundary of Puuikapu to Kapuulepo on the road leading from Waimea to Hamakua to the place of beginning.

I hereby certify the foregoing is a true and faithful copy of the "Boundaries of Waikoloa in Waimea Hawaii" as rendered by the Justices of the Circuit Court of the third Judicial Circuit, February 15th 1867, and at present deposited in this office.
(Signed) L. McCully, Clerk, Supreme Court
Honolulu, March 2d 1867

I hereby certify that the above is a true and faithful copy of the copy of the "Boundaries of Waikoloa in Waimea, Hawaii," as certified by L. McCully, Clerk, Supreme Court and copied by him in a certified copy dated Honolulu, March 2, 1867 and deposited with me in February 1869.
R.A. Lyman, Boundary Commissioner, 3d Judicial Circuit
Hilo, March 18th 1871

[No. 2, Waikoloa `ili (King's), Waimea Ahupuaa, District of South Kohala, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, no amount, 1869]