Boundary Commission

1876 080 Government
Certification: 080
Ahupua`a Alika
District: Kona, South
Island Hawaii
Ownership: Government
Year: 1876
Statistics: 8945 characters 1526 words
Alika Ahupuaa, District of South Kona, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume A, No. 1., p. 457

Department of Interior, Honolulu, August 22d, 1874
R.A. Lyman, Esquire, Commissioner of Boundaries, Hilo, Hawaii
I am directed by His Excellency, the Minister of the Interior to request you to settle the boundaries of the Government land makai of Keauhou which lies between Lehuula nui and Kealakekua -- he understands from Mr. Greenwell that you have all the necessary data for the purpose in your possession. You are also desired to settle the boundaries of the Government lands of Alika and Kipahoehoe in South Kona -- that is, the outside boundaries, as both lands belong to Government it would be an useless expense to settle the boundary between them.
I have the honor to be Your Obedient Servant
(signed) Charles S. Gulick, Chief Clerk

For Government tract between Keauhou 2, North Kona, Lehuula Nui and Kealakekua see Folio 321 Book B.

For evidence Alika & Kipahoehoe see Folio 322 Book B

Alika Ahupuaa, District of South Kona, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume B, pp. 322-324

The Ahupuaa of Alika, District of South Kona, Island of Hawaii, 3rd Judicial Circuit.

The boundaries of Kipahoehoe see folios 198, 199, 200-201 & 202 of this book, evidence of Kaapuna adjoining Kipahoehoe taken June 4, 1874

On this, the 10th day of November A.D. 1874 the Commission of Boundaries met at the house of J.W. Kuaimoku, South Kona, on the application of the Minister of the Interior for the settlement of the boundaries of Alika, situated in the District of South Kona, Island of Hawaii. Due notice of hearing personally ser ....

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.... aw as sole Commissioner of Land Boundaries for the Island of Hawaii, 3d Judicial Circuit, I hereby decide and certify the boundaries of a portion of the Ahupuaa of Alika, situated in the District of South Kona, Island of Hawaii, to be as hereinafter set forth.
Given under my hand at Hilo, Hawaii, this Nineteenth day of January A.D. 1876
R.A. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries, Third Judicial Circuit

Boundaries of a portion of Alika
Commencing at South West corner at rock marked "X" jutting into the sea nd running along sea coast to line of Kipahoehoe. Thence up laid lines as follows;
1. North 18° West 70.00 chains;
2. North 62 1/2° East 76.50 chains;
3. North 84° East 33.90 chains; [page 168]
4. South 89° East 25.00 chains to Government road & rock marked "K;"
5. North 73 1/2° East 33.00 chains;
6. North 89° East 25.00 chains to North East corner and rock marked "X"
7. South 25° East 75.00 chains to South East corner of Ohia marked "K"
8. South 76 1/2° West 49.50 chains along line of Papa 1st to land sold to Kakuma & Koli; Thence along said line to sea;
9. South 73° 45' west 110.00 chains;
10. South 81° West 52.50 chains to point of commencement, and
Containing an area of 1032.00 acres, more or less.
Magnetic variation East 8° 29'
R.A. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries, 3d Judicial Circuit

Surveyed by D.H. Hitchcock

Costs in full paid by Makia about [left blank]
Book of Costs lost in wreck of Caroline Mills at Honokaa Hamakua Hawaii, May 1878,
No memorandum of costs left in my hands.

[No. 80, Alika Ahupuaa, District of South Kona, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, 1032 acres, 1876]