Boundary Commission

1873 030 Lunalilo
Certification: 030
Ahupua`a Kahili
District: Koolau
Island Kauai
Ownership: Lunalilo
Year: 1873
Statistics: 6600 characters 1053 words
Kahili Ahupua`a, District of Koolau, Island of Kauai, Boundary Commission, Kauai, Volume 1
pages 90-93

Boundary of Kahili in Moloaa

August 20, 1873

No. 30.

Received petition (No. 30) from Charles R. Bishop, agent for his majesty, King Lunalilo, requesting that the boundary of Kahili belonging to his Majesty, Lunalilo, and situated in the district of Koolau may be defined and settled.

Thereupon appointed the 26 May A.D. 1874 for the hearing of said petition and caused the owners of the adjoining lands to be notified of the time and place of hearing.

Kamalama, sworn, I have lived in Kahili from long ago, have lived here since the last battle was fought in Kauai. I know the boundary of this land as pointed out to me by my father Uaa and my grandfather Naluahi, never heard of any dispute regarding the boundaries of this land. The boundary commences on the northwest corner of this land at the sea shore at rocky ledge, Manohoonu, and
thence up to top of ridge to Puukuahiki,
thence down to stone in river near bank called Koaola,
thence along right bank of river to Aihoi,
thence up same side of river to Kalo patches called Kaleaueu [?],
thence up river to Puuhala tree called Paaku,
thence up river to Kalo patch called Kamulehale,

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.... ce to hau [?] trees gulch and stream below ridge Kaluamakua, thence to old residing places Pahulemu. thence to ridge above small stream near Government road to Puuanui. Thence through western side of large Kalo patch, Kulihaele. Thence to near a mound where there was formerly a school house and called Kaula, thence down ridge to Kaiwa and thence to a place where [page 93] offerings used to be made, called Oaakeahi (this place is in Kaiwa) thence to Koia rocks on sea shore and thence out and round reef to place of commencement.
Duncan McBryde, Commissioner of Boundaries, Island of Kauai

N.W.[note well?] Previous to deciding the boundary of this land I could not learn from Mr. Titcomb whether he had a royal Patent for the adjoining land of Kilauea or not, he refusing to give me any information on that point. Afterward, but not until I had rendered my decision, I learned from Mr. James Gay that there was a Royal Patent for Kilauea, that he had seen it in said Titcomb´s possession, if such is the case then my decision regarding the Western Boundary must be considered void if conflicting with that of the Royal Patent.
D. McB. [Duncan McBryde]

[No. 30, Kahili Ahupuaa, District of Koolau, Island of Kauai, Boundary Commission, no survey, 1873; See Land Patent 8323 in Royal Patents]