Boundary Commission

1874 024 Government
Certification: 024
Ahupua`a Kalalau
District: Napali
Island Kauai
Ownership: Government
Misc: no survey
Year: 1874
Statistics: 3806 characters 583 words
Kalalau Ahupuaa, District of Na Pali, Island of Kauai, Boundary Commission, Kauai, Volume 1, pps. 116-117

No. 24


Boundary of the Ahupuaa of Kalalau

Paele, sworn, I know the boundary of this land. I have always resided here, and know this land from sea beach to mountain. The Northeast boundary commenced at a point on the beach called Naupaka.
Thence up to where the Gods used to sacrifice & called Keahupohaku; Thence [heiau]
Up ridge to a resting place called Kauakoa; thence
Up to high peak Puuki; thence
Up to high peak Kaalahena; Thence
Up to highest point on eastern Boundary, Alealealau; thence
Round ridge to Kaala; thence
Round ridge to Kahoolou; thence

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.... ong Waimea boundaryto Kawailoa; and along same boundary to Puuokila and from thence to a large and peculiarly shaped rock each side representing a land called Pohakuwaawaa, at this rock the boundary of Waimea terminates with this land, and this land then joins the boundary of Honopu and Nuulolo. From Pohakuwaawaa the boundary runs to face of cliff at Kalahu; Thence to high peak with round hole through the top called Keanapuka; Thence down precipice to Kalahui; Thence to peak Waihonu; Thence down to sea shore at a Kalaipiha, and from thence round o place of commencement.
Duncan McBryde, Commissioner of Boundaries, Island of Kauai.

[No. 24, Kalalau Ahupuaa, District of Na Pali, Island of Kauai, Boundary Commission, no amount given, 1874]