Boundary Commission

1874 026 Government
Certification: 026
Ahupua`a Wawapuhi
District: Napali
Island Kauai
Ownership: Government
Misc: no survey
Year: 1874
Statistics: 2636 characters 429 words
Wawapuhi Ahupuaa, District of Na Pali, Island of Kauai, Boundary Commission, Kauai, Volume 1, p. 119-120

No. 26


Boundary of the Ahupuaa of Wawapuhi

Nakulala, sworn, The boundary of this land commences at the sea at a place Kawaipapa. Thence to ridge called Keaahala; Thence
To a peak called Puuopou; thence
Along flat land to stone called Pohakuwaawaa; thence
Through woods called Ihi; thence
Down to a gorge or gulch called Makalani; thence
Do ....

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.... e to two stones on side of cliff called Napohakau. Thence down to a large rock on side of pale called Hoonoo. Thence to house lots called Mulehale. Thence to sea at a place called Pipi. Thence to two rocks in sea one of which belongs to Nuulolo and the other to Wawapuhi and called Kauhipohaku, and from there round to place of commencement.
Duncan McBryde, Commissioner of Boundaries, Island of Kauai.

[No. 26, Wawapuhi Ahupuaa, District of Na Pali, Island of Kauai, Boundary Commission, no amount given, 1874]