Boundary Commission

1875 019 Government
Certification: 019
Ahupua`a Kamalomalo
District: Kona
Island Kauai
Ownership: Government
Year: 1875
Statistics: 10798 characters 1796 words
Kamalamalo Ahupuaa, District of Koolau, Island of Kauai, Boundary Commission, Kauai, Volume 1, pps 100-105

1873, Boundary of the Ahupuaa of Kamalamalo

No. 19

Honolulu, September 15, 1873
Honorable Duncan McBryde, Commissioner of Boundaries
In settling the Boundaries of lands on your Island please have defined the following which have been suggested by his Honor Judge Widemann in:
Waiole, ? of Houkou, Hanakapiai, Kalalau, Pohakuao ?, Honopu, Waiapuhi, Kamalamalo, Kaakoanui ?, Halaula ?.

Mountain lands adjoining Moloaa whatever named. Some of the above with an ? Mr. Wideman was doubtful whether still unsold or unleased.
Yours Very truly,
Edwin O Hall,

Thereupon appointed the 26th day of May A.D. 1874 for the hearing of the boundary of Kamalamalo at Anahola on the day above named. Mr. H. Johnson appearing for the Government, Mr. Sheriff[?] Wilcox, Wilcox for the crown.

Kaunaki, sworn, I was born at Anahola, always lived there. I know the boundary of Kamalamalo. My father describes it to me. His name was Kawaaaiai. The boundary commences at the beach at a large pond or opening of salt water; a point of land runs into the opening and this point is the boundary. The place is called Papaloa; thence up and over plain to stone called Kanihu [sic]; thence to where road crosses a hollow, Pohopohoiki. Thence to a large pond in stream, one half of which belongs to Anahola and one [page 101] half to this land and called Mamakaiole. Thence to a small ridge and round said ridge to top of small hill called Kuakini. Thence to Kailianahauumu in Eliililoa where this land joins with Kalihiwa, Anahola and Kealia. Thence down the Kealia boundary to the sea.

Peheuki, sworn, Was born at Anahola lived there all my life. I know the boundary of this land; was told it by parties who knew & also by my father, whose name was Leleula. The western boundary of Kamalamalo commenced at a point of rocks on one side of an opening in the reef, the opening belongs to Kamalamalo. This place is called Papaloa; thence to a clump of stones or rocks, ....

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.... North 76° 23' West 1260 links;
South 85° 5' West 388 links;
South 72° 38' West 862 links; [page 105]
South 50° 35' West 887 links;
South 87° 38' West 1759 links;
North 64° 40' West 869 links;
North 45° 47' West 1115 links;
North 79° 58[?]' West 2060 links; [7 or 8; one over other]
North 69° 26' West 364 links;
North 83° 51' West 1075 links;
North 55° 44' West 145 links to a hau bush planted on the East of Auwai. Thence the boundary crosses the Auwai and stream just above the Pahelo Waterfall and continues along past hau bushes to the edge of the woods at entrance of old roadway & up said roadway to Pohakuhapai on the following notes:
South 85° West 925 links crossing auwai and stream to a hau bush planted; Thence
North 84° 59' West 260 links to hau bush planted and bottle broken at its root; Thence
North 89° 55' West 1307 links to edge of woods;
South 88° 15' West 1650 links up general run of old road through woods;
North 78° 45' West 1800 links to top of Pohakuhapai, a grassy hill surrounded by the bush and from whence the following points bear:

Anahola Peak North 70° 13' East true (60.42 magnetic); Pohakupili south 35° 20' west true (25.50 magnetic); Puueu, the northwest corner of Kealia West true (South 30° 30 west magnetic); thence the boundary continues along the watershed of Pohakuhapai ridge with its junction with the ridge on the south of the Anahola river which is the west and Mauka corner of this land. The general run of ridge from Pohakuhapai is North 67° West true (North 76.30 magnetic) distance about 9700 links (see plan)

This land contains an area of 2405 acres.

I hereby certify this to be a correct survey of the boundaries of this land as decided upon by the Commissioner of Boundaries for Kauai, At almost stations marks have been put in; a stone & marked [up arrow]
James W. Gay
Surveyor May 1875

[No. 19, Kamalamalo Ahupuaa, District of Koolau, Island of Kauai, Boundary Commission, 2405 acres, 1875]