Boundary Commission

1915 116 Cartwright, Bruce
Certification: 116
Ahupua`a Waikiki
District: Kona
Island Oahu
Ownership: Cartwright, Bruce
Year: 1915
Statistics: 9732 characters 1577 words
Kaihikapu Lele, Ili of Pau, Waikiki Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, Boundary Commission, Oahu, Volume 3, No. 2, pps 98-102

No. 116

Royal Patent 8311

Before M.D. Monsarrat, Commissioner of Boundaries for the First Judicial Circuit, Territory of Hawaii, U.S.A.

In the Matter of the Boundaries of the Ili of Kaihikapu, a Lele of Pau, Waikiki Kai, Kona, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii

Proper application having been made to me June 28th 1915 by Bruce Cartwright for the settlement of the boundaries of the Ili of Kaihikapu, a lele of Pau, situated at Waikiki Kai, District of Kona, Island of Oahu.

The following is a true copy of the application.

Honolulu, June 28 1915
Mr. M.D. Monsarrat, Commissioner of Boundaries for the First Judicial Circuit, Honolulu, Hawaii
Dear Sir:
I hereby make application as own[er] of the same for the settlement of the boundaries of a portion of Pau, Waikiki Kai, Honolulu, Kona, Oahu, Land commission Award 8559B, apana 29 to W.C. Lunalilo.

The boundaries as claimed by applicant set forth in survey and plan herewith filed.

The adjoining lands and owners as far as known are as follows:

Grant 2785 to C. Kanaina, Bruce Cartwright
Grant 3118 to Kawaihapai, Bruce Cartwright
Grant 3120 to Nailipelapela, Bruce Cartwright
Mookahi, Government
Land Commission Award 104FL [Fort Land] Apana 6 to Kekuanaoa, J.A. Magoon
Very Respectfully Yours
(signed) Bruce Cartwright

The following is a copy of the description of the piece of land filed with the above application. There was also a map filed.

Being a portion of apana 29, Land Commission Award 8559B to W.C. Lunalilo, Kaihikapu, being a lele of Pau, Waikiki, Kona, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii.

Beginning at a concrete block in large Kuauna at the North corner of this pie ....

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.... other appearance of other parties interested.

During the early part of this month I handed Mr. Walter E. Wall the Territorial Surveyor a copy of the description and map furnished and filed by Bruce Cartwright, for him to examine in the interest of the Government. A few days ago W.E. Wall called at my office and informed me that the Government were satisfied with the boundaries as claimed by Bruce Cartwright so far as they were concerned and that he had notified Mr. J.D. Tucker, Commissioner [page 102] of Public Lands to that effect. Mr. R.D. King of the Government Survey Office staff was in my office after the hearing and he also told me that the Government Survey was satisfied with the map and description as filed by Bruce Cartwright.

Having been on the ground at the request of George F. Wright, surveyor for Bruce Cartwright and also satisfied myself as to the boundaries.

I therefore adjudge and decree that the metes and bounds above subscribed and a survey by George F. Wright are the true and lawful boundaries of the land of Kaihikapu, a lele of the Ili of Pau, Waikiki Kai, Kona, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii.
M.D. Monsarrat, Commissioner of Boundaries for the First Judicial Circuit
Honolulu, July 24th 1915

Hearing $10.00; Certifying 2.00; Stamp 1.00; Evidence 1900 words 4.75; Certificate 1400 words 7.00; Advertising P.C. Advertiser 6.25; Advertising Kuokoa 4.75; Total $35.75

Honolulu, July 26th 1915
Received from M.D. Monsarrat, Commissioner of Boundaries for the First Judicial Circuit a Certified copy of the Certificate and map of the land of Kaihikapu, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii issued by him July 24th 1915.
Joshua D. Tucker, Commissioner of Public Lands.

[No. 116, Kaihikapu Lele, Ili of Pau, Waikiki Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, Boundary Commission, 5.07 acres, 1915]