Boundary Commission

1874 028 Lemon, J.S.
Certification: 028
Ahupua`a Honolulu
District: Kona
Island Oahu
Ownership: Lemon, J.S.
Misc: portion
Year: 1874
Statistics: 10151 characters 1688 words
Kalawahine Ili (portion J.S. Lemon), Honolulu Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, Boundary Commission, Oahu, Volume 1, No. 2, pps 193-194

Boundaries of portions of the Ili of Kalawahine in Honolulu

[margin note:] charge p. 41]


Honolulu, August 19th 1873

To Lawrence McCully, Esquire, Commissioner of Boundaries for the Island of Oahu, Hawaiian Islands.

The application of J.S. Lemon, of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, respectfully represents as follows:
That by the Mahele or Division of lands of 1848 the late Chief A. Keliiahonui became entitled to the Ili Aina of Kalawahine, situated in Nuuanu Valley, Island of Oahu, and that subsequently, to wit: on the 23rd day of June 1854, the Board of Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles awarded the said Ili aina of Kalawahine to the said A. Keliiahonui by Certificate of “Palapala Hooko” upon Claim No. 11215.

That upon the decree of the said A. Keliiahonui, his widow, M. Kekauonohi became entitled to the said Ili Aina of Kalawahine by Will, and that upon the death of the said M. Kekauonohi, the said Ili aina of Kalawahine became the property of the late Honorable Levi Haalelea by devise of the said M. Kekauonohi.

That the said Honorable Levi Haalelea, by deed dated the 24th day of March A.D. 1864, recorded in the Registry Office in Honolulu in Liber 18 on pages 53 & 54 conveyed to James S. Lemon, Applicant a portion of the Ili Aina of Kalawahine above named situated upon Fort and School Streets in Honolulu.

That the said Honorable Levi Haalelea, died leaving the remnant of the said land of Kalawahine to his widow Mrs. A. Amoe Haalelea.

That the said Mrs. A. Amoe Haalelea, by deed dated the 31st day of August A.D. 1868, and recorded in the Registry Office, aforesaid, in Liber 26th on pages 270 & 271, conveyed to Your Petitioner two portions of the said Ili aina of Kalawahine and designated in the surveys of the ....

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.... os; East true 70 feet along School Street;
4. South 44° 00' West true 31 feet along Royal Patent 601
5. South 75°60' West true 47.5 [66 over written] feet along Royal Patent 601 (47.5)
6. South 75° 00' West true 66 feet along Royal Patent 1118;
7. South 15° 20' West true 76 feet along The Kapuola lot;
8. North 43° 50' West true 1040 feet along Royal Patent 1766 to initial point.
Area 15,800 sq. ft. or 36/100 of acre.

No. 2. From a point on mauka side of School Street which is North 34° 00' East true 132 feet from the spire of the Government School House running as follows:
1. South 38° 40' East true 144 feet along School Street;
2. North 2° 30' West true 105 feet along the Halahu lot;
3. North 50° N West true 40 feet along the Pooleho lot;
4. North 28° East true 26 feet along the Pooleho lot;
5. North 40° West true 6 feet along the Pooleho lot;
6. South 54° 30' West true 80 feet to initial point
Area 6336 ft or 15/100 acre

No. 3. From a point at West angle of this which is North 14° 30' East true 323 feet from the Spire of the Fort Street Government School House running as follows:
1. North 54° 30' East true 76 feet along Kimo
2. South 36° 30' East true 84 feet along Kaupe
3. South 45° 30' West 81 feet along Kuauna[?]
4. North 34° West true 96 feet to initial point
Area 6950 sq. feet or 16/100 acre

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand at Honolulu this 20th day of March A.D. 1874
Lawrence McCully, boundary Commissioner of Oahu

Note the Nos 1, 2, & 3 refer to the lots as they are placed on the entire survey of these lots and not as they are description in the petition.

[No. 28, Kalawahine Ili (portion J.S. Lemon), Honolulu Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, Boundary Commission, Apana 1, 15,800 sq. ft.; Apana 2, 6336 sq. ft.; Apana 3,6950 sq. ft.; 1874]