Boundary Commission

1909 110 Rodiek, George
Certification: 110
Ahupua`a Honolulu
District: Kona
Island Oahu
Ownership: Rodiek, George
Year: 1909
Statistics: 7554 characters 1224 words
Nini Ili Lele, Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, Boundary Commission, Oahu, Volume 3, pps 62-65

No. 110

Before M.D. Monsarrat, Commissioner of Boundaries for the First Judicial Circuit, Territory of Hawaii, U.S.A.

In the Matter of the Boundaries of a Lele of Nini, Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu Kona, Oahu

Honolulu, January 30th 1909
Proper application having been made to me December 30th 1908 by George Rodiek, for the settlement of the boundaries of a Lele of Nini in Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu, Kona, Oahu as follows;

Honolulu, December 30th, 1908
M.D. Monsarrat, Esquire, Boundary Commissioner, First Judicial Circuit
I hereby make application for the settlement of the boundaries of a Lele of the Ili of Nini situated in Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Land Commission Award 6239 to Kalaimoku, and described in plan and survey herewith.

The adjoining titles and owners as far as known to this applicant are:

Land Commission Award 10613 to A. Paki, Apana 10
Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop
Land Commission Award 6325 to Kekauonohi, Apana 1
Respectfully, George Rodiek (signed)

After due notice in the P.C. Advertiser and Kuokoa newspapers and also notices in writing to the adjoining owners, as far as known, and all others interested, the notices in said newspapers being as follows:

P.C. Advertiser
Boundary Commissio ....

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.... Commission Award 6325, Apana 1 along fence to a spike 4.2 feet beyond the corner of the fence;
4. 245° 21' 211 feet along apana 10 of Land Commission Award 10613 to A. Paki along Kuauna to initial point.
Area 68/100 Acres
M.D. Monsarrat, Surveyor
Honolulu, December 3, 1908.

[page 65]

I adjudge the foregoing to be the true and lawful boundaries of a Lele of Nini Nuuanu Valley, Kona, Oahu.
Given under my hand at Honolulu, Oahu.
W.D. Monsarrat, Commissioner of Boundaries for the First Judicial Circuit of the Territory of Hawaii., U.S.A.
Honolulu, February 1st 1909

Hearing $10.00; Certificate 2.00; Stamp 1.00; Evidence 1325 words 3.31; Certificate 504 words 2.50; Advertising 11.30; [total] $30.11

February 4, 1909, This record book was returned to the department of Public Lands by M.D. Monsarrat on this date
Josh D. Tucker
Secretary, Sub Agent & Clerk, Fifth Land District

January 30, 1909, this record book was received by me from the Department of Public Lands on this date
M.D. Monsarrat

February 4, 1909, A certified copy of the Certificate of the boundaries of a Lele of Nini were filed in the Department of Public Lands by M.D. Monsarrat on this date
Josh D. Tucker
Secretary, Sub Agent & Clerk, Fifth Land District

[No. 110, Nini Ili Lele, Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, Boundary Commission, .68 Acre, 1909]