Boundary Commission

1879 054 Niau, Kamaka for Hui
Certification: 054
Ahupua`a Kahana
District: Koolauloa
Island Oahu
Ownership: Niau, Kamaka for Hui
Year: 1879
Statistics: 7954 characters 1312 words
Kahana Ahupuaa, District of Koolauloa, Island of Oahu, Boundary Commission, Oahu, Volume 1, No. 2, pps 380-383

In the matter of the application of Kamaka Niau (kane) for settlement of boundaries of the land of Kahana in District of Koolauloa, Island of Oahu, Royal Patent


To R.F. Bickerton, Commissioner of Boundaries for the Island of Oahu

I, Kamakaniau (kane), luna of the Kahana-hui beg to make application for the settlement of the boundaries of land known as Kahana valley, situated in the district of Koolauloa, Island of Oahu, being the same lands mentioned in Royal Patent No. [left blank]. [8452 Keohokalole]

The owners of the adjoining lands are R. Kaelikolani [Keelikolani], John Kapua, C.H. Judd, Waikane-hui; the Crown lands and school land.

Boundary Commissioner?s Office, No. 23 Merchant Street
July 31st 1879

Due notice having been given to all parties interested, and owning adjoining lands by service of notice on Honorable C.H. Judd, Sima Kaai (Agent for R. Keelikolani), John Kapua, Waikane Hui, and S.C. Allan (Agent for G. Waller), the above matter came in for hearing this day at 10 a.m.

Present: KamakaNiau (Luna of the Kahana hui), Kaaua (kane), J.F. Brown (Surveyor).

KamakaNiau (kane) sworn, The land of Kahana is owned by a Hui of 120 natives. I was with Mr. Brown the whole time he was making the survey of Kahana. Kaaua (kane) pointed out the ancient boundary on the makai or sea and the Punaluu sides. Kaaua was born at Kahana. Keopohali ....

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.... feet along the ridge between this land and Kaawa
North 20° 40' East True 3700 feet along the ridge between this land and Kaawa
North 4° 55' West True 3625 feet along the ridge between this land and Kaawa
North 26° 40' East True 2950 feet along the ridge between this land and Kaawa
North 29° 15' East True 1490 feet along the ridge between this land and Kaawa
North 17° 30' East True 430 feet along the ridge between this land and Kaawa
North 47° 15' West True 1325 feet along Makaua, Grant 1305 [Makaua kai];
North 5° 40' West True 1300 feet along Makaua, to rock marked + on makai side of Government Road;
South 89° 28' West True 191 feet along shore;
South 39° 20' West True 910 feet along shore;
South 77° 15' West True 1100 feet along shore;
South 14° 15' East True 740 feet along shore;
South 26° 20' West True 430 feet along shore;
South 79° 00' West True 535 feet along shore to West angle bridge;
North 68° 20' West True 1990 feet along shore;
North 18° 15' West True 620 feet along shore;
North 29° 00' East True 955 feet along shore;
North 6° 40' East True 1375 feet along shore to initial point.
Total Area 5050 Acres

[margin note:] 1366 words

Witness my hand this 31st day of July A.D. 1879
Richard F. Bickerton, Commissioner of Boundaries for the Island of Oahu

[No. 54, Kahana Ahupuaa, District of Koolauloa, Island of Oahu, Boundary Commission, 5050 acres, 1879]