Boundary Commission

1891 081A Bishop, Bernice Pauahi
Certification: 081A
Ahupua`a Kaunakakai
District: Kona
Island Molokai
Ownership: Bishop, Bernice Pauahi
Year: 1891
Statistics: 4775 characters 802 words
Kaunakakai Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Molokai, Boundary Commission, Maui, Volume 2; pps 33-37

The Land of Kaunakakai, Island of Molokai

No. 81A

Lahaina, Maui, February 28th 1891

In the matter of the settlement of the Boundaries of the Land of Kaunakakai, Island of Molokai.

Application by R.W. Meyer, Esquire, Agent for the Trustees of the Estate of Mrs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop

Mr. R. W. Meyer and Mr. M.D. Monsarrat, appearing for Mrs. B.P. Bishop and the Hawaiian Government respectively, and having filed their Authorization to act in the premises, the following were agreed to the true boundaries of this land, and in accordance with the agreement and their [sic there] being no other parties of interest, it is decreed the said Boundaries of said land of Kaunakakai, Island of Molokai, are as follows:

Commencing at a stone marked with a cross at sea and ne ....

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.... edge of road;
19. South 27° 34' West true 2459 feet along Kalamaula along road and across a gulch to a stone marked thus [right arrow] on East side of road;
20. South 20° 37' West true 5567 feet along Kalamaula to stone marked with a cross at the North corner of a small pond;
21. South 23° 36' West true 1015 feet along Kalamaula passing on the West edge of two small ponds to a cross on a stone at sea on North edge of road;
22. Thence along sea shore to initial point the direct bearing and distance being south 66° 00' East true 6450 feet;
Area 5240 Acres
Samuel N. Chillingworth, Commissioner of Boundaries II Judicial Circuit

Certificate 2.00; Hearing $10.00; Stamp; 1.00; Evidence 880 words 2.20; Certificate 980 words 4.90; Advertisement 2.00; [Total] $22.10

[No. 81A, Kaunakakai Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Molokai, Boundary Commission, 5240 Acres,1891]