Land Grants

Grant Number(LG)01891Source Book:10
Grantee: Baldwin, Dwight; Cancelled Acreage::46.5 Acs
Ahupua`aMoalii Year1855
District:Lahaina CancelledFalse
IslandMaui TMK 4-5-10, 4-5-11
Statistics: 9340 characters 1433 words
No. 1891, Baldwin, Dwight, Moalii Ahupuaa, District of Lahaina, Island of Maui, Vol. 10, pps. 183-185 [LG Reel 3, 01321-01323.tif]

[Note below:] Cancelled
No. 1891
Royal Patent    

Kamehameha IV, By the Grace of God, King of the Hawaiian Islands, by this His Royal Patent, makes known, unto all men, that he has for himself and his successors in office, this day granted and given, absolutely, in Fee Simple unto Dwight Baldwin his faithful and loyally disposed subject for the consideration of Two Hundred and Thirty two Dollars, paid into the Royal Exchequer, all that certain piece of Land situated at Moalii, Lahaina in the Island of Maui and described as follows:

No. 1.
Beginning at South West corner on shore the boundary runs
South 52 1/?° East 1.00 Chains along Alamihi
North 18° East 155 Chains along Manakaumi's house lot
South 72° East 67 Chains along said
South 16° 14' West 1.42 along Do
South 60° East 181 Chains along Alamihi's boundary to Unahiole pond
North 31 1/2° East 0.94 Chains along house
North 62° West 0.90 along Kauakanui's house lot
North 31° East 215 Chains along lots to a cocoanut tree
North 70° West 7.12 Chains along Hauki's pond
North 14 1/2° East 2.90 Chains along Keawe's
South 72 1/?° East 1.66 Chains along Keawe's to road
North 4° West 2.89 Chains to road West 1.20 Chains along Kaiaakekoa
North 1° East 6.70 Chains along said lot to road
North 11 3/4° West 741 Chains along road of Punakea
North 42° West 4.52 Chains along Kealiipio
South 26° East 6.52 along sea shore
South 1° East 11.56 Chains along sea shore
South 11° West 8.47 Chains along sea shore to commencement.
Area 3 Acres, 1 Road, 9 Rods.

No. 2
Begin at South West corner on the main road, run

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.... t 5.50 Chains along Hale Parker
South 12° East 5.90 Chains along Lelehu of Kanehoewaa to Moalii Creek to place of beginning.
Area 2 Acres, 3 Roads, 22 Rods.

No. 8, East part of Moalii lava land
Begin at South West part at great stone, run
South 41° East 3.45 Chains along Government lava land
South 64° 1/4 East 3.73 Chains along Hale Parker & stone wall
North 87° 1/2 East 3.98 Chains along Hale Parker & Kaula Kukui
North 71° East 2.32 Chains along Kaula Kukui
North 55° East 2.79 Chains along Timateo
North 30° West 1.00 Chains
North 60° East 4.11 Chains along Kula of Kane's
North 77° 1/4 East 5.76 Chains along Kanau & Keawe
North 22° 3/4 West 3.00 Chains along Nalimu Taro patch
North 77° 1/2 West 1.61 Chains
South 51° West 2.77 Chains
North 39° West 1.78 Chains all along Hanems
South 62° 1/2 West 1.61 Chains
North 21° West 5.86 Chains
North 58° East 3.46 Chains all along Nalimu
South 77° West 21.60 Chains along Waikuli
South 65° 1/2 East 7.32 Chains along Government land to a great stone, the place of beginning.
Area 32 Acres, 1 Road, 27 Rods.

No. 9, Taro Patch in Kapaahuiki
Begin at South West corner, run
North 60 3/4° East 1.00 Chains along fence boundary
North 29° 1/4 West 1.25 Chains along Keawe
South 60° 3/4 West 1.00 Chains along Kaneino
South 29° 1/4 East 1.25 Chains along Nalimu & Keawe to place of beginning.
Area 20 Square Rods.

[Page 186]
Grant 1891

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[Land Patent Grant No. 1891, Baldwin, Dwight, Moalii, Ahupuaa, District of Lahaina, Island of Maui, 46.50 Acres, Cancelled]