Land Grants

Grant Number(LG)03278Source Book:15
Grantee: Mahoe, kane,Cancelled, see 3282 & 3287 Acreage::0
Ahupua`aHonolulu Year1881
District:Kona CancelledTrue
IslandOahu TMK
Statistics: 2927 characters 443 words
No. 3278, Mahoe (kane), Kaluaopalena Ili, Kalihi Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, Vol. 15, pps. 153-156 [LG Reel 5, 00788-00791.tif]

This Patent cancelled, Lot no. being divided and Royal Patent 3282 and 3287 takes its place. [?] Smithies
April 25th 1881

NO. 3278

Kalakaua, By the Grace of God, King of the Hawaiian Islands, By this, His Royal Patent, makes known, unto all men, that he has for himself, his heirs and successors, this day granted and given unto Mahoe (kane), for the cons ....

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.... y description.

To have and to hold the above granted Land in Fee Simple, unto the said Mahoe, his Heirs and Assigns forever.

Witness Ourself, at Honolulu, this thirtieth day of March, 1881, in the Eighth year of Our Reign.

For the King
By For the King
By the Princess Royal, Liliuokalani P.R.

The Minister of the Interior
Inoa, H.A.P. Carter

[Page 156 blank]

[Land Patent Grant No. 3278, Mahoe (kane), Kaluaopalena Ili, Kalihi Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, 2 apana, 2.87 Acres, 1881; Cancelled]