Land Grants

Grant Number(LG)03963Source Book:18
Grantee: Leitz, Gottfried Acreage::19.1 Acs
Ahupua`aPaauilo Year1896
District:Hamakua CancelledFalse
IslandHawaii TMK
Statistics: 2744 characters 393 words
No. 3963, Leitz, Gottfried, Paauilo Ahupuaa, District of Hamakua, Island of Hawaii, Vol. 18, pps. 805-806 [LG Reel 7, 00402-00403.tif]

NO. 3963


on Homesteads

Liliuokalani, By the Grace of God, Queen of the Hawaiian Islands:

By this, Her Royal Its Patent, [insert] the Government of the Republic of Hawaii makes known to all men, that She hath It has for herself, her heirs and successors, this day granted and given ....

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.... [insert] Whereof the President of the Republic of Hawaii has hereto set his hand and caused the Great Seal
day of    18__ ; in the
[insert] of the Republic to be hereunto affixed this 31st day of July A.D. 1896.

By the QUEEN [insert] President: /signed/ Sanford B. Dole
/signed/ J.A. King
The Minister of the Interior

[Land Patent Grant No. 3963, Leitz, Gottfried, Paauilo Ahupuaa, District of Hamakua, Island of Hawaii, 19.10 Acres, 1896]