Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 07722
Claimant: Hookala
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Waialua
Ahupuaa: Kawailoa
Ili: Kawailoa waena, Ukoa
Statistics: 2279 characters 395 words
No. 7722, Hookala, Waialua, February 4, 1858 [sic?]
N.R. 447v5

To the Honorable Land Commissioners: I hereby state my claim to you, for land and a lot and a claim of cultivation. This is an ancient right from my makuas until this time and I have had no opposition from anyone. The first claim is Kuahuia, Kawailoa waena, six lo`i and a steep kula are surrounded by in the Kealaauma's lands and the pa`ahao*. /At/ Aliapahui, Ukoa ....

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.... r />Koolaupoko, pali.

Apana 2: In the communal lot of Ukoa, 2 cultivated areas.

Apana 3. House site, bounded:
Mauka, Waianae and Makai by a road
Koolaupoko by a house lot.

His lands were inherited from his parents and are undisputed.

Witness 2, Kuokoa: my knowledge of it is the same as Kahakai. This witness was sworn.

[Award 7722; no R.P.; Kawailoa Waialua; 3 ap.; 2.88 Acs; TMK 6-7-02]