Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 07776B
Claimant: Nunumea
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Kalaupapa
Ili: Oniu, Kokipohaku
Statistics: 3394 characters 510 words
No. 7776B, Nunumea
N.R. 225v7

For your information, O Land Commissioners, I have a claim in the Ahupua`a of Kalaupapa on the Island of Molokai. The `ili is Nuinui. It is 510 fathoms by 60½ fathoms. On the north is Keolewa, on the east is Ahuli, on the south is Kaiaka, and on the west is Niniki.

The "jump" of my land claim is Niaunui and it jumps as follows: There are two lands between Ahuli and Kaioka. I received this land from Kawaikapuakahaaheo, who was dispossessed, then Kanaina, who was dispossessed, the Heeia, who was dispossessed, then Puaaloa, who was dispossessed, then Kekua, who was dispossessed, then Kupu, who was dispo ....

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.... o survey Apana 2 as four acres.

F.T. 203v6 see also page 124
No. 7776B, Nunumea

Kaniho, Kanakaole hoohikiia. Moo Kauhiokalani.

Mauka, Pali
Manae, konohiki
Makai, Makanalua
Malalo, Kaohuaiai.

A.D. Kam.I [Kamehameha I].

N.T. 203v6 [also page 124]
No. 7776!, Nunumea
[should be 7776B]

Kaniho, Kanakaole, sworn, Moo, Kauhiokalani.

[It is bounded]:
Mauka by pali
Manae by konohiki
Makai by Makanalua
Malalo by Kaohuaiai.

Kamehameha I time.

[Award 7776B; R.P. 6354, Oniu Kalaupapa Koolau, 2 ap. 4.29 Acs]