Mahele Documents

07777 Naomi/Kanui, daughter
Claim Number: 07777
Claimant: Kaiaino
Other claimant:Naomi/Kanui, daughter
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Lahaina
Ahupuaa: Kelawea nui
Statistics: 4112 characters 689 words
No. 7777, Kaiaino, Lahaina w/aena/ February 3, 1848
N.R. 444v6

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I, Kaiaino, hereby enter my claim for my house lot and my lo`i, in Lahaina, in Kelawea Nui. This is my message.

F.T. 170-171v7
Cl. 7777, Kaiaino, See Cl. 10667, page 132

Liu, sworn, The claimant is dead, but his only child, Kanui, his daughter is his heir. Hedied in 1848 with the measles and so did his wife Nalima. Kanui, I should say is an adopted child. He has one true child a little girl which Kanui takes care of. It is a baby.

It is a house lot in "Kelawea," including 2 lois. Kaiaino received this land from Kanui, mother of Nalima in 1842. Nalima lived under Kapihenui, who has sent in a claim for ....

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.... interior John Young when they had ruled it for Kaiaino. The land commissioners had also opposed in the same way, in that the 3 patches outside (of the lot) and the single patch on the inside which Pikanele had bought from Nawai and expecting the Friday lot were for Kaiaino. Both Pikanele and Kaninau had become destitute.

Here are the boundaries:

Section 1 - 1 patch outside.
Mauka by Pikanele's lot
Olowalu by Peke's land
Makai by Pikanele's lot
Kaanapali by Kaluaokamano.

Section 2 - 2 patches.
Mauka and Olowalu by Kapoulu stream
Makai by Kaumunui
Kaanapali by Ahikuli ahupuaa.

[Award 7777; R.P. 8269; Kelawea Lahaina; 1 ap.; 2 roods 12 rods; R.P. 8272; Kelawea Lahaina; 3 ap.; 1 rood 14 rods; See 481 disputed case]