Mahele Documents

3/20/2011 7:47:06 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 00387*Mo
Claimant: ABCFM (Mission)
Other claimant:
Other name: American Board of Missions
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kaluaaha
Statistics: 6338 characters 1082 words
[No. 387*Mo, American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions, Kaluaaha, Ualapue by Pukoo by Kalae], Molokai
F.R. 50-51v2

To the chairman of Land Commission, Sir,
We herein present our claims in behalf of A.B.C.F.M. to the land now occupied by us at this station. Said land consists of 4 lots as follows:

1st. On which Mr. Hitchcock's dwelling house stands, was given us by Auhoa for the mission station & was presented by herself when we took possession of it, October 7, 1832. Of this Sir, you are witness.

2d. Lies directly west & adjoining No. 1. This lot was given to Mr. Hitchcock by Lourlouloa, as an addition to the mission premises, with the consent of the then owner of the land, as both she & her husband Hidu will testify.

3d. Lies directly east of No. 1 & adjoining it. It was procured by Mr Munn, then Missionary of the American Board, of Lazarus Kelohe. The lot had a small house & some other improvements on it, for which Mr. Munn paid said Lazarus 60$, as he will witness if called. This lot has been in the possession of the Mission from 10 to 12 years. It contains a dwelling house & several out buildings: all mission property.

4th. Lies north of No. 3 and is separate ....

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.... s. Auwae had given this land in 1832 and the missionaries have lived there to the present comfortably and without objections. There has [have] been no protests to this day.

Section II: This section was given by Loisa Kalalou in the year 1837 probably, and she lived under Mrs. Hoapili. No one has objected to this place to this day.

Section III: Lasaro Kalohi had given this section in 1838 probably; he is the konohiki of Molokai. There is a house there and Mr. Mana has given sixty dollars so as to enable him to live there; no one has objected to this time.

Section IV: This had been Kupa's (Cooper? the black foreigner) place previously and we (two) had bought it from him for $20.00 perhaps, I don't quite remember. Kupa's interest had been from Kalohi, acquired before 1839. I don't remember when it was bought. There is a school house and Paluna lives there (on the land) now.

Kaauwai, sworn and stated, "I have heard and I have also seen. The boundaries are exactly as have been related here. I have seen the missionaries live here before 1839 until this day."

[Award 387; R.P. 1600 & 1958; Kaluaaha Kona; 4 ap.; 9.73 Acs; See 387*H, 387*K, 387*M and 387*O for other Missionary holdings]