Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 07807
Claimant: Kamauliole
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kona, North
Ahupuaa: Holualoa 4
Ili: Kukueowaa
Statistics: 1931 characters 303 words
No. 7807, Kamauliole, Palaueka, Kona, January 25, 1848
N.R. 450v8

Hear ye, ye Land Commissioners: I hereby tell you of my kihapais and house lot and planted trees. The kihapais consist of 4 mala on the kula, 6 within ulu*, 4 sweet potato mala at apaa*, 9 taro mala between apaa* and the ama`u [fern zone]. The house lot has a circumference of 102 fathoms. The tre ....

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.... lot.
Lot is enclosed, 4 houses - 2 for Kamauliole, 2 for Kamauliole's people.

Trees - 6 kou, 5 palms, 2 pandanus. Kamaulioleo and Moopuna both had planted the trees in the lot. Old residents for the land since Kamehameha I, no one has objected.

Kulou, sworn, Both have known alike.

[Award 7807; R.P. 4277; Holualoa 4 N. Kona; 2 ap.; 2.53 Acs]