Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00392
Claimant: Ninia, P.
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Lahaina
Ahupuaa: Waianae
Statistics: 3104 characters 552 words
No. 392, P. Ninia, January 11, 1847
N.R. 127v2

I am telling you two of my right. It was received from Kaeo. There are two lots, one is at Waianae. That is the nature of these lots. I want them surveyed. That is all.
I am,

F.T. 143v7
Cl. 392, B. Ninia

Holoauhee, sworn, I know the house lot of the claimant. It is in Waianae, Lahaina. He received it from Kanele in 1845, Kanele had it from Kaeo, the third man, who had it from his mother, Kaaimalalo in olden times. His title has been recently disputed by Kaiheekai, who has received the l ....

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.... ted by the Konohiki's poalima labor. After that it became dry and the poalima labor on it was given up. I never heard of it being given to Ninia, all I know about that is that he built a house on it, some four or five years ago. I do not know of has having cultivated any of it at any time.

Pikanele, sworn, says he has heard the testimony given by the last witness and confirms it. Ninia has lived on the land in question but a few years.
(Decided in favor of the King)
See p. 105 [No. 5441]

[Award 392; R.P. 1721; Waianae Lahaina; 1 ap.; 78 fathoms (.06 Ac.); See also Award 5441]