Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 07872
Claimant: Kaiama
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Hamakua
Ahupuaa: Kukuihaele
Ili: Kaanaemoeaau, Kapenaokane
Statistics: 1830 characters 278 words
No. 7872, Kaiama
N.R. 312v8

Lot and house lot claim at Kukuihaele, Hamakua, Hawaii, for Kaiama. The measuring begins on the east side, 528 feet, thence straight to the east, 576 feet, thence directly south, 1,728 feet, thence to the north, 2,025 feet, and from thence run again to the east, 530 feet. This lot has five sides.

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.... a.
Mauka by Kaholo's land
Kohala by idle land
Makai and Hilo by Kaholo's land.
6 cultivated patches, no house, old land from parents during the time of Kamehameha I; no one has objected.

Kaiaokioki, sworn and stated, I have known exactly as Kalia has related here.

[Award 7872; Kukuihaele Hamakua; 2 ap.; 14.9 Acs]