Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00403
Claimant: Kekipi
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Wailuku
Statistics: 1631 characters 288 words
No. 403, Kekipi
N.R. 134v2

Letter telling of the right to the houselot.

I, Kekipi, hereby tell you of my right to my houselot at Wailuku, as follows: When I saw that place I wanted a houselot and I leased it from Kailihiwa. No one hindered or obstructed me until this time. The witness is Kai ....

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.... on the south-eastern side of the animal corral belonging to the high school and hogs was the reason for this place. I have heard that there was a contract with Kailihiwa for 160 men at 1/8 (13ยข?) as payment for each man. I have not heard that there were any objections.

[No. 403 not awarded; See Award 375 and 8314]