Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00413
Claimant: Naleipalaleho
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Waiehu
Ili: Wailani
Statistics: 3158 characters 583 words
No. 413, Naleipalaleho
N.R. 139-140v2

Letter to the land Commissioners, telling you two of the claim for the lot here in Wailuku, adjoining Waiehu. This was my share for my occupation as a teacher. The nine days of work /for taxes or tribute/, when I was teaching in the school, were performed by the parents of the children. This claim is not within the /school/ land, it is outside in accordance with the word of the chiefs, to ask the konohikis. They would give it. I asked Kailihiwa, and Kailihiwa consented, saying "Done, this place is outside." It was not made by the konohikis. I spoke to Kaauw ....

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.... during the days of work was done for it. I do not know how big but I have seen the boundaries which have been fenced except for the north (section) close to the lot. I have seen his son do planting there but it is now left idle. The reason I know is because I was the tax assessor at that time. I am the judge of all of East Maui. Those are the things I know and no one has objected to him until the 5th day of February in the year 1845. A kahuna Parani [sic] had asked for that place for himself and it was denied. The boundaries [of Nalaipuleho] are on the southeast side of Waiehu.

[No. 413 not awarded; See Award 398]