Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08091
Claimant: Haupu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kohala, North
Ahupuaa: Kukuipahu
Ili: Lahui
Statistics: 2796 characters 443 words
No. 8091, Haupu, January 17, 1848
N.R. 73v8

The Ahupua`a is Kukuipahu and the ili is Lahui. My land claim at Lahui is for 10 acres, four lots of taro, one water trough, two house lots. [I have held it for] 15 years.

F.T. 90v4
No. 8091, Haupu

Kalele, sworn, testifies that claimant occupies six pieces of land in Ili Lahui, Ahupuaa Kukuipahu which are thus severally bounded:

1st piece (inland) South, West, North, West by waste land.

2nd piece:
South by land ....

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.... br />5. Section V:
Mauka by idle land
Kohalawaho by idle land
Makai by idle land
Hamakua by Puakea ahupuaa.
It has been cultivated; no house.

House-lot section:
Mauka by idle land
The same is for all around. Two houses are for him there and he is living there now.

I had given him this in 1830; no one has objected. (This land was from Kainoa)

Huluwaioi, sworn and stated, I have known [Left blank] [as] Kalele has related here.

[Award 8091; Kukuipahu N. Kohala; 2 ap.; 13.76 Acs]