Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08098
Claimant: Hoewaa
Other claimant:
Other name: Hoena
Island: Hawaii
District: Kohala, North
Ahupuaa: Mahukona,Hihiu
Ili: Kanoaawa, Heleikamahina, Ukuniho, Kamuku, Kamoku 2
Statistics: 2547 characters 428 words
No. 8098, Hoewaa, February 5, 1848
N.R. 76v8

The Ahupua`a is Hihiu. This Ahupua`a was from Kamehameha I to Naheana a very long time ago, and from Naheana to me, his kaikuaana, Hoena [sic.]I have been on this land 23 years.

F.T. 97v4
No. 8098, Hoewaa

Keoahu, sworn, testifies that claimant occupies five pieces of land in Ahupuaa of Heihiu and one house lot besides. Said lots of land are thus severally bounded:

1st ....

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.... here is no house.

5. Section V, Kamoku 2 Ili: The boundaries are exactly as the section above and Part of it has been cultivated; there is no house.

6. House-lot section, Ukuniho Ili: It has a fence with 1 house for him /Hoewaa/. Kaheana gave him this interest, acquired during the time of Kamehameha I; no one has objected.

Kahoiwai, sworn and stated, I have known exactly [as] Keoahu has related here.

[Award 8098; R.P. 6818; Mahukona N. Kohala; 2 ap.; 23.05 Acs]