Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08104
Claimant: Haula
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Waikolu
Ili: Makaluahau
Statistics: 2930 characters 458 words
No. 8104, Haula, Waikolu, Molokai, February 1, 1848
N.R. 229v7

I, the one whose name is below, hereby state to you, the Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles, that I have a claim for a lo`i in the mo`o of Kapalaha, 'Ili of Makaluahau, Ahupua`a of Kalawao, Island of Molokai, There are some witnesses. The length is 528 feet on the west, the width is 66 feet. These are my claims.
Aloha to you all.
Waikolu, Molokai, February 1, 1848

F.T. 58v6
8104, Haula

Haula has a moo in ili Makaluakau, a lele of ....

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.... ssession until the present. 2 Govern-ment lo'i are in Apana 1.

Kailua, sworn, The foregoing testimony is true - it is the same as my knowledge of it.

N.T. 197-198v6
No. 8104, Haula

Moo in Kalawao ahupuaa, Molokai. Makaheakau ili.

[It is bounded]:
Mauka by stream
East by Kahewahewanui
Makai by Konohiki, Lono.

Bequested land in 1834.

[Award 8104; R.P. 2632 Makaluahau Waikolu Koolau; 1 ap.; 5.25 Acs; R.P. 2985, Makaluahau Waikolu Koolau; 2 ap. 2.93 Acs; awarded to Haula & Haula 1]