Mahele Documents

08189D Kaainui
Claim Number: 08189D
Claimant: Nakoalele
Other claimant:Kaainui
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Waianae
Ahupuaa: Kamaile
Ili: Kamaile 1
Statistics: 2270 characters 399 words
No. 8189D, Nakoalele, Claimant, Died in 1848
F.T. 306v9

Present Kaianui, the moopuna of Deceased & took oath that deceased had his claim duly made out & sent in, & that he is his heir at law. The same is therefore admitted to a hearing.

Mahi, sworn, says he knows the land of claimant. It is a moo kalo called Huhuki in the ili of Kamaile 1, Waianae, Oahu. It contains 8 lois & a kula in one apana with the koele in the ....

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.... nae by a pasture.

Land from Kalama at the time of Boki, no disputes at that time and upon his death it was inherited by Kaianui his (Nakoalele) grandson. The konohiki is now making demands, but the tenant had not done any (konohiki) work because he is a teacher and therefore, had been exempted from all taxes.

Kaona, sworn, he has known in the same way as Mahi.

[Award 8189D; R.P. 2878; Kamaile Waianae; 1 ap.; .262 Ac.]