Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00434
Claimant: Palakiko
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Waikapu
Ili: Kuaiwa
Statistics: 2006 characters 355 words
No. 434, Palakiko
N.R. 160v2

Greetings to the two Land Commissioners: I hereby tell you of my claim to rights in my land at Waikapu within the land called Kuaiwa, 41 taro patches, most of them made with my own money.

The description is as follows: South, the stream, west, the land of Atoni /Anthony/, east, the land of Pahoa and the kula, north, the kula. All the ku ....

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.... told him to keep the servants' patches separated from the Friday patches of the landlords. I did not give him (land) permanently, he was to live in the same way as I was living. That is what he had received from me, and not anything that was to be given away permanently, also no one else was to be together in the property.

[Award 434; R.P. 495; Kuaiwa Waikapu; 2 ap.; 6.3 Acs (5.3?)]