Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00439
Claimant: Maikona
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Papohaku
Ili: Kealapai
Statistics: 2293 characters 410 words
No. 439, Maikona, Wailuku, 11 February 1847
N.R. 163-164v2

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby petition for my land to which I have a firm ancient right.

1. Some taro patches at Papohaku, however, not in one place in one portion; 23 taro patches, in another portion 7, and in another 9. On the north of the 23 taro patches is a hakuone /small division cultivated for a chief/, on the east some taro patches of makal ....

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.... I have seen Maikona live there but I do not know well the things concerning him. He was living under Kailihiwa the Konohiki. I have seen Paukukalo and the plan for I had surveyed the boundaries: on the north is the flat area of patches, on the east is an acre of sugar cane, on the south a lot, and on the west another acre; however, I have not surveyed the area of that plain. Maikona has a village to the east of that plain.

[No. 439 not awarded]