Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08256
Claimant: Hohoiea
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Wahiawa
Ili: Malolonui
Statistics: 3097 characters 548 words
No. 8256, Hohoiea
N.R. 388-389v9

On the island of Kauai in the Ahupua`a of Wahiawa, the `ili of Malolonui, it my land claim, received from Kaikioewa. Here are my Haku`ainas: I was the first, Aie, Aku, Unauna, Makuku, Kapoo, Kanunu. The land is 49 /fathoms/ 1 yard long on the north, 38 fathoms 1 yard on the east, 38 fathoms 1 yard on the south, 38 fathoms 1 yard on the west. The large stream of Wahiawa is on the east and the watercourse, Kanupaka's lo`is are on the east, Haula's taro lo`is are on the north, a kula with a projecting pali and the watercourse are on the west, and Kan ....

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.... s;s land in Wahiawa of Malolonui ili of two lois and an adjoining pasture. There is a house in another area.

Section 1 - Two lois and a pasture.
Mauka by Haulia's lois
Puna by Stream
Makai by Konohiki lois
Hanapepe by Wini's enclosure/pali.

Section 2 - House lot.
Surrounded by Wini's land.

Land from Kaikioewa where Hohoiea has lived to the present time without disputes.

Waiolani, sworn, he has heard Napahi's testimony for Honoiea's land, it is true.

[Award 8256; Malalonui Wahiawa Kona; 1 ap.; 3 roods 14 rods]