Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08305
Claimant: Kanoa, Paulo
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona, Ewa
Ahupuaa: Kapalama, Manananui
Ili: Kainapuaaa, Kahonola
Statistics: 13286 characters 2277 words
No. 8305, P. Kanoa, Kainapuaa
N.R. 524-525v5

Parcel of land, Kapalama, on the Island of Oahu. It is bounded as follows: The survey begins at the black stone at the edge of the /fresh/ water, on the south side of the watercourse, between the clumps of taro, running to the north along the watercourse below the clumps of hala standing there, to a place of limestone rock situated on the south of the clumps of thorny cactus along the banks of the weed-grown lo`is of the land of Kalaimamahu, 8 chains.

Thence running again, to the north, along the mauka side of the row of cactus to a limestone stratum situated on the south side of a weed-grown watercourse along the large lo`i, 5 chains.

Thence turning and running to the northwest along the edge of the limestone to the mouth of the water source which opens in the ground on the edge, where it emerges, 2 chains, 38 feet.

Thence turning and running to the true west, along the edge of the limestone along the stream to the Government road, and just makai at a place where the mark was dug, at the watercourse, 5 chains.

Thence turning and running to the south, makai of the government road, along the back of the small houses, running straight along the weed-grown taro patch banks makai of the government road to the place which was dug just mauka of a small road going to the school house, 7 chains, 9 feet.

Thence turning and running to the true west on the north side of the row of cactus to the place which was dug makai at the west corner, 4 chains, 27 feet.

Thence turning and running to the south arriving exactly at the large black rock and running straight to the entrance of the house of Kaikai on the north side of that house, 5 chains, 27 feet.

Thence through that house and emerging through the door on the south side of that house, running to a limestone stratum situated at the small road between the rows of cactus, 1 chain south.

Thence turning true south to the limestone rock situated at the southeast corner of the wooden house of John Neddles on the mauka side of that house, 2 chains 28 1/2 feet.

Thence turning and running to the true east within the lot of N. Holiliamanu, emerging mauka, to the Government road which runs to Ewaand entering the lot enclosed by Nalauai to the place where the mark of this place was dug, on the south side of a weed-grown watercourse along the adobe wall, 9 chains.

Thence turning and running to the east along the edge of the watercourse to the black stone wall where the survey began, 7 chains 64 1/2 feet of th ....

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.... the taking of the pig's sty. I became the officer to bring about the land of Kainapuaa under Kanoa. I had seen the sty broken apart and the natives and I built another sty. We have built twice on our own time and not on the konohiki work days. I had not heard Pi say to Nalanai that Hooliliamanu had sent him /Pi/ to halt Kanoa's work on that hog sty. The pig's sty that I had heard about had been built at the time of Kamehameha I, although I have not known who had built it, the konohiki maybe, or probably the natives, but there are several people who own houses there now: Keliikuli, Kialua, Pahia and Kualaha. They have house claims at this time.

Kamehaiku, sworn for Nuuanu, I am a true land child there from my parents and I am still living there. I have heard my father had first lived there since the battle of Nuuanu and this is also true of Nuuanu's parents. They had built this hog's pen for their pigs; they had fetched the rocks from Kaiwiula to enclose the sty; the konohiki did not do this work. When Mahi, his /Nuuanu/ father died, the pig's sty had been bequested to Nuuanu and he has had it to the time the land was taken by Kanoa. I do not know about the protest.

N.T. 723v3
No. 8305, P. Kanoa, from page 634, Protest, Kamehameha III

S. Kuluwailehua, sworn, I have seen these lands over which there is a dispute between Kanoa and Kamehameha III. The lands are Kainapuaa and Kumupali. I had first seen these lands in 1842.

The boundaries are:
Mauka, land of Kalualoa
Waikiki, land of Kuhimama
Makai, land of Kumupali
Ewa, Kilikiliaua, Hare's /Harry?/ land.

I had gone on a settlement tour with the old-time residents of the place a long time ago and I should remember Kumapali's boundaries if I could see the land and the boundaries of Nauala. I had known at the time Hooliliamanu had sold his house lot to G. P. Judd that a small portion of Keoneula and Kawaiiki were in Hooliliamanu's lot; however, if I could see these lands again, I should be able to identify the boundaries properly just as I had done the first time.

N.T. 320v10
No. 984, Ewa, 19 October 1853
No. 8305, P. Kanoa

P. Kanoa's land distribution.
Kainapuaa ili in Kapalama, Kona, Oahu.
Kaholona ili in Manana, Ewa, Oahu.
True Copy
Minister of Interior, 18 October 1853
A.G. Thruston, Clerk

[Award 8305; R.P. 401; Kainapuaa Kapalama Kona; 1 ap.; 15.60 Acs; Land Patent 8168; Kaholona Manananui Ewa; 12 ap.; 150.49 Acs]