Mahele Documents

10/4/2011 10:57:44 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 00451
Claimant: Lihi
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Wailuku
Ili: Mahukaawenui, Mahukaawe, Paakukui, Maniania
Statistics: 2734 characters 474 words
No. 451, Lihi
N.R. 173-174v2

To the Land Commissioners, greetings: I have a petition to you two concerning my right:

1. I have a right to 39 taro patches at Mahukaawe, Wailuku, described as follows: on the north an auwai, on the east some houses, on the south a cliff and stream, on the west a cliff and auwai.

2. 5 taro patches at Paakukui: n the north the stream, on the east a taro patch cultivated for the chief, on the south a cairn of stones and Mahune's taro patches, on the west a row of lauhalas.
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.... for Loiloa. No one has objected to him and he (Lihi) had received this place in the year 1835, but he had lived at another locality called Maniania before the year that is mentioned above.

[Award 451; R.P. 4061; Mahukaawenui; 3 ap.; 4.18 Acs; Mahukaawe; 1 ap.; .2 Ac.; Mahukaawenui Wailuku; 1 ap.; 3.69 Acs; Paakukui Wailuku; 1 ap.; .29 Ac.; see Napaloi; 1822 map shows claim but no testimony corresponds to it, see map Olohe near top in Waikapu; map of Wailuku below Kaohe shows Lihi up near pali and Ap. 1 next lot makai.]