Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08584
Claimant: Keoho
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Hamakualoa
Ahupuaa: Holawa,Waipio
Ili: Kahaniki, Kahakona, Waikakuhe, Kaiui, Kaluaalaea, Ukulei
Statistics: 3559 characters 598 words
No. 8584, Keoho, Hamakualoa, 12 Feb, 1848
N.R. 469v6

I, the one whose name is below, hereby state my claim. There are four lo`i, two kula, place for cultivating potatoes is in the /place where there are/ breadfruit trees, and there are two ohia trees.

Furthermore, there is a stream branch, a land from my kaikaina. I have four lo`i and two springs in the land of my father in law. I have five lo`i in another land. One lo`i and two fallen and shattered koa trees are in Honopou in Halawa, and I have some moku mau`u in Waipio.

F.T. 123-124v8
Cl.8584, Keoho

Kealoha, sworn, the claimant's land are of ....

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.... Wailuku by Pali / Halawa pasture.

Section 2:
Mauka by Kapahu
Koolau by Kealoha
Makai by Kamohai
Wailuku by Halawa pali.

Section 3 - Surrounded by the government (boundaries) on all sides.

Section 4:
Mauka by Kamauu
Koolau by Waipio pali
Makai by Kamoena
Wailuku by Waipio pali.

Section 5:
Mauka by Kamoena
Koolau by Waipio pali
Makai by Naalu
Wailuku by Waipio pali.

Section 6:
Mauka and Koolau by Auwae
Makai by Huluhulu
Wailuku by Waipio pali.

[Award 8584; R.P. 5534; Kahakono Holawa Hamakualoa; 1 ap.; 2.7 Acs; Kahauiki Holawa Hamakualoa; 2 ap.; 1.72 Acs]