Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08586
Claimant: Kaina
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Waikapu
Ili: Palama, Laaloa
Statistics: 1515 characters 256 words
No. 8586, Kaina, Waikapu, February 1848
N.R. 470v6

I hereby state my claim in the `ili in Palama. Two mo`o with 13 lo`i are at Loaloa, which are mine -- no one has opposed me.

F.T. 491v7
Cl. 8586, Kaina

Kaili, sworn, The claimant ....

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.... ed:
Mauka by Moo
Waihee by Wahinealii
Kula and Maalaea by stream.

[No.] 2. is bounded:
Mauka by the `Ill of Palama
and the other three- sides by Kepaa.

[Award 8586; R.P. 3210; Palama Waikapu Wailuku; 3 ap.;1.24 Acs; Laaloa Waikapu Wailuku; 1 ap.; .15 Ac.]