Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08597
Claimant: Kamoana, wahine
Other claimant:
Other name: Kamowana
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Waikele
Ili: Paiwa
Statistics: 1831 characters 304 words
No. 8597, Kamoana, February 11, 1848

To the Land Commissioners: Here is my claim for a mo'o: One lo'i is weed-grown. Exactly in the middle are four taro lo'i, on the west is a kula.
Farewell to you with thanks.
Ewa, Waikele, Paiwa

F.T. 101-102v9
No. 8597, Kamowana, ....

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.... one objected to him.

Kawaaleleiki, sworn, he has known in the same way as Huailua.

F.T. 438v3
No. 8597, Kamoana

Claimant appeared in person and stated that she had given up over her land to Kanoho, and desired the award to be made accordingly.

[Award 8597; R.P. 6819; Paiwa Waikele Ewa; 2 ap.; .838 Ac.]