Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08602
Claimant: Kaiwi
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Kula
Ahupuaa: Omaopio 9, Omaopio 10, Omaopio 8, Kalialianui
Ili: Kahoalii, Puakalanui, Kauhipuili, Pipio, Kaimapahu, Nahaleokawahia
Statistics: 3443 characters 530 words
No. 8602, Kaiwi, Kula, January 26, 1848
N.R. 471v6

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: My claim at Omaopio 8 is for a lot and the mala of Irish potatoes which is mauka.

I have a claim at Oomaopio 9. I also have a lot and a claim at Omaopio 10. A kula is at Puahalanui. At Puupilo is a lot. At Halehina is also a lot. Oleole, Oleole, Kapauahi, Kukaepalolu. /The foregoing names may refer to places where claimant has done cultivation./

I have a claim at Kalialianui /at/ Olupoke, a mala of Irish potatoes. Mauka are the four mo`o /and/ a steep lot of wauke. I am the claimant of all these four lands.

F.T. 186v8 ....

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.... ion 2:
Mauka, Makawao and Makai sides by konohiki
Honuaula by Kuaihulu.

Section 3:
Mauka, Makawao and Makai sides by Piliwale
Honuaula by Kuaihulu.

Section 4:
Mauka by konohiki
Makawao by Kuaihulu
Makai by konohiki
Honuaula by Kuaihulu.

Section 5:
Mauka by Government road
Makawao by Kauaihulu
Makai, Honuaula by konohiki.

Section 6:
Mauka by Keala
Makawao by konohiki
Makai and Honuaula by Piliwale.

[Award 8602; R.P. 4015; Kahoalii Omaopio 9 Kula; 1 ap.; .9 Acs.; Pipio Omaopio 10 Kula; 1 ap.; 3.93 Acs. Puakalanui Omaopio 10 Kula; 1 ap.; 9. Acs. (Ap. 1)]