Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08606
Claimant: Kauhi
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Kalaupapa
Ili: Pauaka
Statistics: 2565 characters 407 words
No. 8606, Kauhi
N.R. 239-240v7

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I have a claim in the Ahupua`a of Kalaupapa on the Island of Molokai. I have a house lot, named Pauaka, which I 25 fathoms long by 13 fathoms wide. This house lot is within the enclosure for hogs. Mahoe's houses are on the north, Kanakaole's houses are makai next to the sea, an enclosure for hogs is on one side, and Kalawaiahonu's land is on one side. I received this place when I lived in Kalaupapa as a ....

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It is bounded as follows:
Mauka, pig pen
Waikolu and Makai, Kanakaole's land
Kaluakoi, land of Konohiki.

His apana was from me in 1845 and he has had quiet and undis-puted possession until this time.

Kamaipelekane (Deputy Konohiki), sworn, His claim is good. No objection.

N.T. 204v6 [also page 125]
No. 8606, Kauhi

An enclosed house lot, year 1843.

[Award 8606; no R.P.; Pauaka Kalaupapa Koolau;1 ap.; .23 Ac.]