Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08631
Claimant: Kekolohe
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Makanalua
Ili: Palawai
Statistics: 2705 characters 409 words
No. 8631, Kekolohe, Makanalua, Molokai, Feb. 1, 1848
N.R. 237-238v7

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I have a claim for land in the Ahupua`a of Makanalua, Island of Molokai. It is an `ili named Palawai, and it lies from the Koloa road as far as Waikolu. It runs straight in Waikanao, that is its length - its width is 33 fathoms. It is bounded by Palawai on one side, and by Makakunakele on the second side, and Waikanao is mauka.

I received this land when Nakaluha was the konohiki of Makanalua - Kawah ....

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.... a, konohiki
Manae, Kahawai
Makai, Naone
Malalo, Pali.

Ua hoopaa ia A.D.Kame.I [Kamehameha I].

N.T. 202v6 [also page 123]
No. 8631, Kekolohe

Moo, Palawai.

Section 1:
Mauka by Kehau
Manae by Puuone
Makai and Malalo by Kalahili.

Year 1848.

Section 2 - Moo Lihau.
Mauka by konohiki
Manae by stream
Makai by Naone
Malalo by pali.

Retained at the time of Kamehameha I.

[No. 8631 not awarded]