Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08655
Claimant: Kahoopaki
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Kula
Ahupuaa: Waiakoa, Kealahou
Ili: Kalihi, Moonui, Hanamulei
Statistics: 4421 characters 643 words
No. 8655, Kahoopaki
N.R. 375-376v4

I, Kahoopaki, a native-born old-timer of Waiakoa from the time of my makuakane, hereby state my claim. There are twelve at Waiakoa. At Kealahou, adjoining Waiakoa, is one, and at Kealahou Two (/is one/. Combined, there are fourteen. It is finished.
Farewell to you, and peace,

F.T. 179-180v8
Cl. 8655, Kahoopaki

Kawelo, sworn, The claimant's land are of eight pieces.

No. 1 is kula land in the ili of Kalihi, Waiakoa Ahupuaa.
No. 2 is kula land in the ili of Kalihi, Waiakoa Ahupuaa.
No. 3 is kula land in the ili of Kalihi, Waiakoa Ahupuaa.
No. 4 is kula land in the ili of Kalihi, Waiakoa Ahupuaa.
No. 5 is kula land in the ili of Kalihi, Waiakoa Ahupuaa.
No. 6 is kula land in the ili of Moonui, Waiakoa Ahupuaa.
No. ....

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.... Ikiiki.

Section 5:
Mauka, Makawao, Makai by konohiki
Honuaula by Kanui.

Section 6:
Mauka by Pahuaina
Makawao by Ikiiki
Makai by Kauhihoewaa
Honuaula by konohiki.

Section 7:
Mauka by I. Napela Hawaii
Makawao by Napela Hawaii, Kapahuai
Makai by Z. Kaauwai
Honuaula by Kawaalau.

Section 8:
Mauka by Manaole
Makawao, Makai, Honuaula by konohiki.

N.T. 88-89v16
No. 8655, Kahoopaki

[Portion of Bailey letter]

No. 8655 Kahoopaki - Waiakoa - The new survey is to be added to that made by Mr. Turner
and completed his claim. [Portion of letter to G.M. Robertson from E. Bailey]

[Award 8655; R.P. 2203; Kalihi Waiakoa Kula; 2 ap.; 16.99 Acs; (Ap. 1-2); See also Bailey letter "Mauinotes" for entire letter]